1. 曾获得中国气象学会授予的“全国优秀青年气象科技工作者”称号
2. 科技论文曾获得2002年度第七届中科院大气物理研究所“学笃风正”奖
3. 获得甘肃省气象学会科技论文二等奖和安徽省第六届自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖
4. 参加的省院科技合作项目“兰州市大气污染及对策研究”,获得2005年甘肃省科技进步二等奖
1. Xing Qin An,Shi Xian Zhai, Min Jin, Sunling Gong, and Yu Wang,Development of an adjoint model of GRAPES–CUACE and its application in tracking influential haze source areas in north China,Geosci. Model Dev., 9, 2153-2165, 2016 (SCI)
2. XingQin An, Henne Stephan, Yao Bo, Vollmer Martin, Lingxi Zhou&Yan Li,Estimating emissions of HCFC-22 and CFC-11 in China by atmospheric observations and inverse modeling, SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry, 2012, doi: 10.1007/s11426-012-4624-8 (SCI)
3. Xingqin An, Lingxi Zhou, Bo Yao, Lin Xu, and Lin Ma, Analysis on Source Features of Halogenated Gases at Shangdianzi Regional Atmospheric Background Station, Atmospheric Environment, 2012, 57: 91-100 (SCI)
4. Xingqin An, Qing Hou, Nan Li, Shixian Zhai, Assessment of human exposure level to PM10 in China, Atmospheric Environment, 2013, Doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.01.017 (SCI)
5. Xingqin An, Zhaobin Sun, Weili Lin, Yu Wang, Qing Hou, Emission inventory evaluation using observations of regional atmospheric background stationsof China, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2013, Vol.25 (No.3):537-546(SCI)
6. Xingqin An, Tong Zhu, Zifa Wang, Chengcai Li, and Yuesi Wang, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics A modeling analysis of a heavy air pollution episode occurred in Beijing, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2007, 7: 3103–3114 (SCI)
7. Shixian Zhai, Xingqin An, Zhao Liu, Zhaobin Sun, Qing Hou,Model assessment of atmospheric pollution control schemes forcritical emission regions, Atmospheric Environment, 124(2016)367-377 (SCI,通讯作者)
8. Qing Hou, Xingqin An, Yu Wang, Yan Tao, and Zhaobin Sun. An Assessment of China's PM10-related Health Economic Losses in 2009, Science of the Total Environment, 2012,435-436:61-65 (SCI, 通讯作者)
9. 王超,安兴琴,翟世贤,孙兆彬,伴随模式在追踪污染事件重点源区中的应用—以2015年12月北京一次污染过程为例,2016,中国环境科学,出版中 (1级核心,通讯作者)
10. 翟世贤,安兴琴,孙兆彬,刘俊,污染源减排时刻和减排比例对北京市PM2.5 浓度的影响,中国环境科学,2015,35(7):1921-1930 (1级核心,通讯作者)