王新平 ,博士,教授, 博士生导师。浙江理工大学化学系系主任。教育部先进纺织材料制备技术重点实验室学术带头人。 2000 年 3 月至 2003 年 3 月美国明尼苏达大学( University of Minnesota, USA )博士后。 1996 年 3 月至 2003 年 10 月为浙江理工大学讲师、副教授。 1996年2月获浙江大学高分子化学与物理专业理学博士学位。 1992年7月获原杭州大学(现浙江大学)物理化学专业硕士学位。 1989年7月毕业于原杭州大学(现浙江大学)化学系有机化学专业。硕士期间从事固体超强酸催化剂的表面研究,提出了硫酸根在氧化物表面可能的吸附形式及超强酸中心的形成机理。博士期间从事高分子液体分离膜的研究。
(1)高分子表面聚集态结构及其动态行为研究(以高分子表面几个分子层结构为研究对 象,利用新方法、新手段研究表面高分子链的分子构象,及其运动特征)
(3)受限高分子薄膜、超薄膜玻璃化转变及分子动态行为研究 (研究一维空间受限对高分子链分子构象及其运动行为的影响)
[1] Biao Zuo, Chao Qian, Donghuan Yan, Yingjun Liu, Wanglong Liu, Hao Fan, Houkuan Tian, Xinping Wang*, Probing Glass Transitions in Thin and Ultrathin Polystyrene Films by Stick-Slip Behavior during Dynamic Wetting of Liquid Droplets on Their Surfaces, Macromolecules 2013, 46,1875-1882
[2] Biao Zuo, Yanyan Hu, Xiaolin Lu, Shanxiu Zhang, Hao Fan, Xinping Wang*, Surface Properties of Poly(vinyl alcohol) Films Dominated by Spontaneous Adsorption of Ethanol and Governed by Hydrogen Bonding, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2013,117, 3396-3406
[3] Zuo, B.; Liu, W. L.; Fan, H.; Zhang, Y. Z.; He, T. T.; Wang, X. P*. Suppressed surface dynamics of poly(methyl methacrylate) chains in the corona of collapsed dry micelles tethered by a fluorinated block core. Soft Matter, 2013, 9,5428-5437.
[4] Zuo, B.; Liu, Y. J.; Wang, L.; Zhu, Y. M.; Wang, Y. F.; Wang, X. P*. Depth profile of the segmental dynamics at a poly(methyl methacrylate) film surface. Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 9376-9384.
[5] Zheng, F. F.; Zuo, Biao; Zhu, Y.; Yang, J. P.; Wang, X. P*. Probing Substrate Effects on Relaxation Dynamics of ultrathin Poly(vinyl acetate) Films by Dynamic Wetting of Water Droplets on Their Surfaces. Soft Matter, 2013, 9,11680-11689.
[6] Ni, H.; Li, X. H.; Hu, Y. Y.; Zuo, B.; Zhao, Z.; Yang, J.; Yuan, D.; Ye, X.; Wang, X. P*. Surface Structure of Spin-Coated Fluorinated Polymers Films Dominated by Corresponding Film-Formation Solution/Air Interface Structure. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2012, 116, 24151-24160
[7] Zuo, B.; Zheng, F. F.; Zhao, Y. R.; Chen, T. Y.; Yan, Z. H.; Ni, H.; Wang, X. P.* Stick–Slip Phenomenon in Measurements of Dynamic Contact Angles and Surface Viscoelasticity of Poly(styrene-b-isoprene-b-styrene) Triblock Copolymers. Langmuir 2012, 28, 4283-4292
[8]. Xue, D.; Wang, X. P*.; Ni, H.; Zhang, W.; Xue, G. Surface Segregation of Fluorinated Moieties on Random Copolymer Films Controlled by Random-Coil Conformation of Polymer Chains in Solution. Langmuir 2009, 25, 2248-2257.
[9] Gao, J.; Yan, D.; Ni, H.; Wang, L.; Yang, Y.; Wang, X. P*. Protein-resistance performance enhanced by formation of highly-ordered perfluorinated alkyls on fluorinated polymer surfaces. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2013, 393, 361-368
[10] Zhang, W.; Yu, Z.; Qian, Q.; Zhang, Z.; Wang, X. P*. Improving the pervaporation performance of the glutaraldehyde crosslinked chitosan membrane by simultaneously changing its surface and bulk structure. Journal of Membrane Science 2010, 348, 213–223
[11] Yang, J. P.; Yuan, D. X.; Zhou, B.; Gao, J.; Ni, H.; Zhang, L.; Wang, X. P*. Studies on the effects of the alkyl group on the surface segregation of poly(n-alkyl methacrylate) end-capped 2-perfluorooctylethyl methacrylate films. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2011, 359, 269-278
[12] Zhang, W.; Zhang, Z.; Wang, X. P*. Investigation on surface molecular conformations and pervaporation performance of the poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) membrane. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2009, 333, 346-353
[13] Wang, X. P.; Wang, X. B.; Chen, Z. F. Study on reconstruction mechanism at the surface of a glassy polymer. Polymer 2007, 48, 522-529.