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受教育经历 2017年8月-2018年7月, 美国加州大学davis分校访学,导师:stephen p Cramer 2011年11月-2013年11月,奥斯纳布吕克大学物理系,博士后,导师:Sebastian Schlücker教授和Heinz-Jürgen Steinhoff教授 1999年-2004年,浙江大学,化学系催化研究所,研究生/博士,导师:郑小明 1995年-1999年,浙江大学,化学系,本科/学士,班主任:朱岩 研究工作经历 2011年-现在,浙江理工大学,理学院化学系,教授 2011年11月-2013年11月,奥斯纳布吕克大学,物理系,洪堡学者(experienced researcher) 2010年12月-2011年3月,香港大学,化学系,访问副教授 2006年-2011年,浙江理工大学,理学院化学系,副教授 2004 年-2006年,浙江理工大学,理学院化学系,讲师


在共振拉曼光谱和纳米粉体光催化材料领域深入研究十多年。我的工作包括选取合适的激光探测波长以获得对应波长的共振拉曼增强光谱,自搭仪器获得偏正拉曼光谱,以及通过组合低温冷头和三级联拉曼光谱仪搭建了国内首套能获得6K温度极端条件下的拉曼光谱仪。近五年在卟啉类化合物的光诱导短时动力学,一系列含羰基,C=S, S=O等基团化合物的偏正拉曼光谱非重合效应,DNA光损伤自修复机理等方面作出了开创性的工作。目前致力于研究推广共振拉曼光谱技术到生物体检测和生理活动机理探索等领域。根据极性基团存在的拉曼光谱非重合效应,浓度效应和溶剂效应在国际上首次提出了溶液态聚集体结构模型,根据该模型预测并设计高压条件及其它特殊条件的非重合效应。希望能利用上述的共振拉曼技术及聚集体结构模型探测解释特定蛋白质在行使特定生命活动过程的结构变化,例如用于研究光刺激条件下发生的视紫红质/光传导体复合物的构型变化


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1] W.W. Xu, Y.F. Sun, X.P. Dong, S. Li, H.G. Wang(通讯), J.D. Xue,X.M. Zheng, Local order and vibrational coupling of the C=O Stretching Mode of gamma-Caprolactone in liquid binary mixtures. Scientific Reports 7 (2017). [2] R. Zhou, F. Wu, X. Zhou, H. Wang(通讯), X. Zheng, The structural configurations of Ethylene Trithiocarbonate in the binary mixture (SCS2CH2CH2+CFICl3) investigated by polarized Raman: Experimental and quantum chemical results, Journal of Molecular Structure, 1129 (2017) 205-210. [3] C. Zhou, X. Sun, J. Yan, B. Chen, P. Li, H. Wang, J. Liu, X. Dong, F. Xi, Thermo-driven catalytic degradation of organic dyes by graphitic carbon nitride with hydrogen peroxide, Powder Technology, 308 (2017) 114-122. [4] W. Xu, F. Wu, Y. Zhao, R. Zhou, H. Wang(通讯), X. Zheng, B. Ni, Study on the noncoincidence effect phenomenon using matrix isolated Raman spectra and the proposed structural organization model of acetone in condense phase, Scientific Reports, 7 (2017). [5] M. Wei, J. Wan, Z. Hu, Z. Peng, B. Wang, H. Wang, Preparation, characterization and visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity of a novel Fe(III) porphyrin-sensitized TiO2 nanotube photocatalyst, Applied Surface Science, 391 (2017) 267-274. [6] Y. Shen, J. Wan, Z. Hu, Z. Peng, B. Wang, H. Wang, A alkalescent route for synthesis of titanate nanosheets modified with reduced graphene oxide for enhanced photocatalytic activity, Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics, 28 (2017) 7976-7984. [7] J.-C. Mao, L.-L. Peng, W.-Q. Li, F. Chen, H.-G. Wang, Y. Shao, X.-S. Zhou, X.-q. Zhao, H.-J. Xie, Z.-j. Niu, Influence of Molecular Structure on Contact Interaction between Thiophene Anchoring Group and Au Electrode, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121 (2017) 1472-1476. [8] F. Li, T. Han, H. Wang(通讯), X. Zheng, J. Wan, B. Ni, Morphology evolution and visible light driven photocatalysis study of Ti3+ self-doped TiO2-x nanocrystals, Journal of Materials Research, 32 (2017) 1563-1572. [9] T.-S. Zhang, R. Du, Y.-Y. Zhao, J.-D. Xue, H.-G. Wang, X. Zheng, Solvent-dependent structural dynamics of 2(1H)-pyridinone in light absorbing S-4(pi pi*) state, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 47 (2016) 299-309. [10] M. Sun, J. Campbell, G. Kang, H. Wang, B. Ni, Imidazolium ion tethered TsDPENs as efficient ligands for Iridium catalyzed asymmetric transfer hydrogenation of alpha-keto phosphonates in water, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 810 (2016) 12-14. [11] T. Han, D. Zhou, H. Wang(通讯), The study on preparation and the effect of adsorption over photocatalytic activities of Cu2O/titanate nanotubes (Cu2O/TNTs), Powder Technology, 301 (2016) 959-965. [12] T. Han, H. Wang(通讯), X. Zheng, Gold nanoparticle incorporation into nanoporous anatase TiO2 mesocrystal using a simple deposition-precipitation method for photocatalytic applications, Rsc Advances, 6 (2016) 7829-7837. [13] F. Wu, H. Wang(通讯), X. Zheng, Concentration-dependent frequency shifts of the CS stretching modes in ethylene trithiocarbonate studied by Raman spectroscopy, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 46 (2015) 591-596. [14] H. Wang(通讯), Y. Fu, T. Han, J. Wan, X. Zheng, Adsorption and photocatalytic behavior of titanate nanotubes sensitized with zinc tetra(4-carboxyphenyl) porphyrin, Rsc Advances, 5 (2015) 33570-33578. [15] H. Wang(通讯), D. Zhou, Z. Wu, J. Wan, X. Zheng, L. Yu, D.L. Phillips, The visible light degradation activity and the photocatalytic mechanism of tetra(4-carboxyphenyl) porphyrin sensitized TiO2, Materials Research Bulletin, 57 (2014) 311-319. [16] H. Wang(通讯), D. Zhou, S. Shen, J. Wan, X. Zheng, L. Yu, D.L. Phillips, The photocatalytic activity and degradation mechanism of methylene blue over copper(II) tetra(4-carboxyphenyl) porphyrin sensitized TiO2 under visible light irradiation, Rsc Advances, 4 (2014) 28978-28986. [17] M.-X. Liu, B.-B. Xie, M.-J. Li, Y.-Y. Zhao, K.-M. Pei, H.-G. Wang, X. Zheng, A-band structural dynamics of thioanisole by resonance Raman spectroscopy, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 44 (2013) 440-446. [18] M.-J. Li, M.-X. Liu, Y.-Y. Zhao, K.-M. Pei, H.-G. Wang, X. Zheng, W.H. Fang, Excited State Structures and Decay Dynamics of 1,3-Dimethyluracils in Solutions: Resonance Raman and Quantum Mechanical Calculation Study, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 117 (2013) 11660-11669. [19] B.-F. He, Y.-Y. Zhao, K.-M. Pei, H.-G. Wang, X.-M. Zheng, Structural dynamics of 4-pyrimidone in lower-lying excited States, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 44 (2013) 834-840. [20] Z.-P. Xu, Y.-Y. Zhao, H.-G. Wang, X.-M. Zheng, Resonance Raman Spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory Investigations on the Excited State Structural Dynamics of N-Methylpyrrole-2-carboxaldehyde and Its Solvent Effect, Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 28 (2012) 65-72.
