1、Hezhi Luo, Xiaodong Ding, Jiming Peng, Rujun Jiang, Duan Li*, Complexity Results and Effective Algorithms for Worst-case Linear Optimization under Uncertainties, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Nov. 2019. https://doi.org/10.1287/ijoc.2019.0941
2、Hezhi Luo, Xiaodi Bai, Gino Lim, Jiming Peng*. New global algorithms for quadratic programming with a few negative eigenvalues based on alternative direction method and convex relaxation. Mathematical Programming Computation, DOI: 10.1007/s12532-018- 0142-9, 11(1): 119-171, Mar. 2019.
3、Hezhi Luo, Xiaodi Bai, Jiming Peng*. Enhancing semidefinite relaxation for quadratically constrained quadratic programming via penalty methods. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, DOI: 10.1007/s10957-018-1416-0, 180(3): 964-992, Mar. 2019.
4、Luo,H. Z. , X. L. Sun, D. Li, On the Convergence of Augmented Lagrangian Methods for Constrained Global Optimization, SIAM Journal on Optimization,18(4): 1209-1230,2007.( SCI:260NQ,一区)
5、Luo,H. Z. *, H. X. Wu, J. Z. Liu, On Saddle Points in Semidefinite Optimization via Separation Scheme. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 165:113–150, 2015. (SCI:CE8SM,二区)
6、J. Peng, T. Zhu, H. Z. Luo and K. Ch. Toh, Semi-definite Programming Relaxation of Quadratic Assignment Problems based on Non-redundant Matrix Splitting. Computational Optimization and Applications, 60(1): 171-198,Jan 2015.(SCI: AY7ER,二区)
7、H. X. Wu, Luo,H. Z. *, J. F. Yang, Nonlinear Separation Approach for the Augmented Lagrangian in Nonlinear Semidefinite Programming. Journal of Global Optimization,59:695-727,2014.(SCI:AK9CW,二区)
8、Luo,H. Z. *, H. X. Wu, J. Z. Liu, Some Results on Augmented Lagrangians in Constrained Global Optimization via Image Space Analysis. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 159(2):360-385, Nov. 2013(SCI:238QB,二区)
9、H. X. Wu, Luo,H. Z. *, X. D. Ding and G. T. Chen, Global Convergence of Modified Augmented Lagrangian Methods for Nonlinear Semidefinite Programming. Computational Optimization and Applications, 56(3):531-558, Dec. 2013. (SCI:255LM,二区)
10、H. X. Wu and Luo,H. Z. *, Saddle points of general augmented Lagrangians for constrained nonconvex optimization. Journal of Global Optimization, 53(4):683-697, Aug. 2012. (SCI: 966JA, 二区)
11、Luo,H. Z. *, H. X. Wu and G. T. Chen, On the Convergence of Augmented Lagrangian Methods for Nonlinear Semidefinite Programming. Journal of Global Optimization, 54(3): 599-618,Nov. 2012. (SCI: 025WH, 二区)
12、Luo,H. Z. *, X. L. Sun, and Y. F. Xu, On the Convergence Properties of Modified Augmented Lagrangian Methods for Mathematical Programming with Complementarity Constraints,Journal of Global Optimization, 46(2):217-232, Feb. 2010.(SCI:541GJ,二区)
13、Luo,H. Z. , G. Mastroeni, and H. X. Wu, Separation approach for augmented Lagrangians in constrained nonconvex optimization, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 144(2): 275-290, Feb. 2010.(SCI:544OC,二区)
14、Luo,H. Z. , X. L. Sun, and Y. F. Xu, Convergence properties of modified and partially-augmented Lagrangian methods for mathematical programs with complementarity constraints, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,145(3):489-506,June 2010.(SCI:591KZ,二区)
15、H. Z. Luo, X. L. Sun, H. X. Wu, Convergence properties of augmented Lagrangian methods for constrained global optimization, Optimization Methods and Software,23(5):763-778, 2008. (SCI:349WR)
16、H. Z. Luo, H. X. Wu,On the characterization of preinvex functions, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 138(2): 297-304,2008.(SCI:320II,二区)
17、X. L. Sun, H. Z. Luo, D. Li, Convexification of nonsmooth monotone functions, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,132(2):339-351,2007.(SCI:184PR,二区)
18、H. Z. Luo, Z. K. Xu, On characterizations of prequasi-invex functions, Journal of Optimization Theory and Application,120(2):429-439,2004.(SCI:773LB,二区)
19、罗和治,约束全局最优化增广Lagrangian方法及凸化方法,上海大学出版社,ISBN:978-7- 811 18-650-5/G543,2010. (专著)