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1982年1月毕业于杭州大学(现浙江大学)数学专业,同年在浙江理工 大学(原浙江丝绸工学院)任教,1987年晋升讲师,1992年晋升副教授, 2004年晋升教授.中国运筹学会-数学规划分会理事,中国工业与应用数学学会数学模型专业委员会委员、浙江省应用数学研究会常务理事兼秘书长


组合优化; 算法设计与分析; 服装生产流程与供应链管理


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J.M.Dong,Y.W. Jiang,A. Zhang,J.L Hu,H. Luo,An approximation algorithm forproportionate scheduling in the two-stage hybrid flow shop,Information Processing Letters, 115(4):475-480,2015 胡觉亮、罗惠、董建明,加工时间成比例的两阶段自由作业排序问题 浙江大学学报理学版, 42(1):97-101,2015 Y.W. Jiang, Z..W. Weng, J.L.Hu,Algorithms with Limited Number of Preemptions for Scheduling on Parallel Machines, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 27(4), 711-723, 2014 Y.W.Jiang,J. L.Hu, L. Liu, Y. Zhu, T.C.E. Cheng, Competitive ratios for preemptive and non-preemptive online scheduling with nondecreasing concave machine cost, Information Sciences, 269, 128-141, 2014 Y.W. Jiang, J. L.Hu, Z,W. Weng,L. Liu, Y. Zhu, Parallel machine covering with limited number of preemptions, Applied Mathematics, A Journal of Chinese University(B), 29, 18-28, 2014 胡觉亮、张婷、韩曙光、高金龙. 含服务水平和提前期的服装供应链库存问题研究. 纺织学报, 35(4):135-141. 2014, 胡觉亮、王学士、董建明 ,平行异顺序作业调度问题的算法设计及分析 ,计算机集成制造系统, 20(1), 182-189, 2014 , J.M. Dong,J.L. Hu,Y. Chen,Minimizing makespan in a two-stage hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with open shop in one stage , Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities (B),28(3), 358-368, 2013, J.L. Hu,Q.H. Zhang,J.M. Dong,Y.W. Jiang ,Parallel Machine Scheduling with a Single Server:Loading and Unloading ,LNCS 8287, pp. 106–116, 2013, 胡觉亮、李红芳、董建明、蒋义伟. 考虑加工与运输协同调度的单机排序问题 . 管理工程学报,27(1):166-170,2013. Y.W. Jiang Z.W. Wen,J.L. Hu,Algorithms with limited number of preemptions for scheduling on parallel machines. FAW-AAIM'2012, LNCS, 7285, 93-104,2012. J.Y. Ma, J.L. Hu, Z.H. Ding,J. L, Petri Net Representation of Switched Stochastic Systems. AsiaMIC 2012, 241-248, 2012. 胡觉亮、 孔云鹏、韩曙光、 杨旭东. 需求信息更新下服装供应链的最优订 货决策研究. 纺织学报, 33(11):136-140. 2012 胡觉亮、李程、韩曙光. 服装品牌形象影响因素分析及其权重确定. 纺织学报, 33(7):139-143. 2012 胡觉亮、徐意、 韩曙光. 时变需求下非等周期多阶段定价与订货量问题研究 纺织学报, 33(1):132-137. 2012 胡觉亮、查聪、蒋义伟. 一类三阶段供应链排序问题的近似算法. 浙江理工大学学报, 29(5):709-713. 2012 Y.W.Jiang , A. Zhang, J.L. Hu, Optimal online algorithms on two hierarchical machines with resource augmentation, COCOON’2011, LNCS, 6842,638-648, 2011. J.L. Hu, L.Han, X.F.Ji, C.L.Rong. The optimum model and case analysis for working station installation in clothing assembly line. MASS 2011, 1-4, 2011. J.L. Hu, X.L. Peng, Y.W. Jiang, Online batching scheduling with delivery times related to processing times,The 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Engineering,(ICISE2010), p 5219-5222, S.G. Han, Y. Xu, J.L. Hu, The stock and the purchase strategy on the nonlinear diversification of price to time, The 4th Conference on Systems Science,
