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1997-2001年 兰州大学化学化工学院 化学 学士学位; 2001-2006年 兰州大学化学化工学院 有机化学 博士学位; 2006-至今 浙江理工大学理学院 有机化学


小分子功能荧光开关探针的合成及应用 荧光探针是建立在光谱化学和光学波导与测量技术基础上,选择性的将分析对象的化学信息连续转变为分析仪器易测量的荧光信号的分子测量装置。荧光探针受到周围环境的影响,使其发生荧光发射发生变化,从而使人们获知周围环境的特征或者环境中存在的某种特定信息。荧光探针灵敏度高,选择性好,使用方便,成本低,不需预处理,不受外界电磁场影响,尤其是可实现生物体内各待测物的实时、原位检测,因而在近年来成为国内外众多研究机构的研究热点。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Y. Han,* C. Yang, K. Wu, Y. Chen, B. Zhou and M. Xia, A facile naphthalene-based fluorescent chemodosimeter for mercury ions in aqueous solution, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 16723-16726. Y. Han, Y. Ma, I. Keresztes, D. B. Collum, and E. J. Corey,* Preferential Geminal Bis-silylation of 3,4-Benzothiophane Is Caused by the Dominanc, Org. Lett., 2014, 16, 4678-4679. K. Wu, Y. Gao, Z. Yu, F. Yu, J. Jiang, J. Guo and Y. Han,* A facile fluorescent chemosensor based on naphthalene-derived Schiff base for zinc ions in aqueous solution, Anal. Methods, 2014, 6, 3560-3563. X. Li, Y. Gong, K. Wu, S. H. Liang, J. Cao, B. Yang, Y. Hu and Y. Han,* A highly sensitive and water soluble fluorescent probe for rapid detection of hydrogen sulfide in living cells, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 36106-36109. X. Li, C. Yang, K. Wu, Y. Hu, Y. Han* and S. H. Liang, A Highly Specific Probe for Sensing Hydrogen Sulfide in Live Cells Based on Copper-Initiated Fluorogen with Aggregation-Induced Emission Characteristics, Theranostics, 2014, 4, 1233-1238. J. Liu, K. Wu, S. Li, T. Song, Y. Han* and X. Li, A highly sensitive and selective fluorescent chemosensor for Pb2+ ions in an aqueous solution, Dalton Trans., 2013, 42, 3854-3859 J. Liu, K. Wu, X. Li, Y. Han* and M. Xia, A water soluble fluorescent sensor for the reversible detection of tin(IV) ion and phosphate anion, RSC Adv., 2013, 3, 8924-8928. H. Huang, X. Gao, J. Liu, S. Li, Y. Han*, B. Zhou and M. Xia. A new caryolane sesquiterpene from Heteropappus altaicus (Willd.) Novopokr, Nat. Prod. Res., 2013, 27, 350-355. S. Li, H. Huang, J. Liu, T. Song, K. Wu, Y. Han*, and M. Xia. Two new sesquiterpenes from Ligularia dictyoneura, Phytochem. Lett., 2013, 6, 315-317.
