2005/02 - 2008/04,浙江大学,计算数学,博士
2001/09 - 2004/06,浙江大学,应用数学,硕士
1996/09 - 2000/06,东北大学,应用数学,学士
2008.04-至今, 华北水利水电大学, 数学与统计学院, 副教授
2016.12-2017.12, University of Wollongong, School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, 访问学者
2009.12-2012.10, 西安交通大学应用经济学博士后流动站, 博士后
1.声波和光波在具有弯曲界面中的波导的传播的研究,河南省教育厅、河南省教育厅科技成果奖一等奖、2013年 6月
2. A numerical local orthogonal transform method for stratified waveguides, 陕西省人民政府、陕西省自然科学优秀学术论文奖三等奖、2013年 3月
[1] Li Peng. Pricing weather derivatives with partial differential equations of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. Computers and Mathematics with Applications (SCI), 2018, 75(3): 1044-1059.
[2] Li Peng, Liu Keying, Zhong Weizhou. Marching schemes for inverse scattering problems in waveguides with curved boundaries, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (SCI), 2018, 328:287-301
[3] Li Peng, Liu Keying, Zhong Weizhou. Marching schemes for
Cauchy wave propagation problems in laterally varying waveguides, Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems (SCI),2018, 26(2):259–276
[4] Li Peng, Liu Keying., Zuo Weibing, Zhong Weizhou, Error analysis for the operator marching method applied to range dependent waveguides, Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems (SCI), 2016, 24(5):625-636.