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1996.9-2000.7,东北师范大学,生态学专业,理学学士 2000.9-2003.7,上海大学,环境工程专业,工学硕士 2011.9-2016.1,北京师范大学,环境生态学,工学博士 2004.4-至今,华北水利水电大学环境与市政学院,助教、讲师、副教授 主要的获奖成果 Effect of water current on the distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons heavy metals and benthic diatom community in sediments of Haihe estuary, China,河南省教育厅科技成果奖-论文类一等奖,排名第1,2018年 铁屑-烟道灰内电解法处理模拟分散大红GS染料废水,河南省自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖,排名第1,2010年 生态工程修复水体污染—假单胞、黑曲霉去除水体中镉、铅、铬和铜应用研究,河南省教育厅二等奖,2010年




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1) Yan JX, Liu JL, You XG, Shi X, Zhang LL. Simulating the gross primary production and ecosystem respiration of estuarine ecosystem in North China with AQUATOX. Ecological Modelling2018, 373:1-12.(SCI收录) 2) Yan JX, Liu JL, Shi X, You XG, Cao ZG. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in water from three estuaries of China: distribution, seasonal variations and ecological risk assessment. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2016, 109:471-479.(SCI收录) 3) Yan JX, Liu JL, Ma MY. In situ variations and relationships of water quality index with periphyton function and diversity metrics in Baiyangdian Lake of China. Ecotoxicology 2014, 23:495-505.(SCI收录) 4) Yan JX, Liu JL, Li Y, Lang SS. Effect of water current on the distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons heavy metals and benthic diatom community in sediments of Haihe estuary, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2014, 21:12050-12061.(SCI收录) 5) Zhao GH, Chang WY, Yan JX, Li XJ, et al. 2017. Spatial Distribution and Sources Identification of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Wolong Lake, Northeast China. Chinese Geographical Science 2017, 27:1003-1012.(SCI收录) 6)Yan JX, Li DF, Dong SF. Treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater by the iron scurf and flue dust internal electrolysis method. Advanced Materials Research 2012, 415-417:438-441. (EI收录) 7) Yan JX, Wang HR, Li DF. Analyses on hydrophily and lipophilicity of dust in Shanghai different traffic concentration areas. Advanced Materials Research 2012, 356-360:990-993. (EI收录) 8) Li GT, Yan JX, Chen J. Degradation of Tetracycline by Eletrochemical Oxidation Using Dimensionally Stable Anode, Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Energy and Environment Technology, USA Printing House 2009, 253-256.(EI收录) 9) 闫金霞, 冯霄. 曝气条件下微电解-Fenton工艺联合处理模拟染料废水的研究。工业安全与环保, 2012, 38(5):27-30. 10)闫金霞, 董韶峰. 大气污染控制工程课程教学改革探讨. 广东化工.2012, 39(3):134 11)闫金霞, 雷庆铎, 王燕. 铁屑-烟道灰内电解法处理模拟分散大红GS染料废水,化工环保,2010, 30(3):196~198 12)闫金霞,张人韬.水性建筑涂料不同性状涂膜耐沾污性研究,广东化工,2010,37(2):61~62 13)成庆利, 刘秉涛, 闫金霞, 壳聚糖对公园污水渠杀菌效果研究. 《安徽农业科学》,2006,23:6266-6267 14)董韶峰,闫金霞.发电厂直接空冷系统设计.《能源与环境》,2006(5):117-118 15)张人韬,闫金霞,温霖.建筑涂料的亲疏水性与耐沾污性问题,建材发展导向,2004, 2(4):42-44 16)闫金霞, 张人韬.外墙乳胶漆耐沾污性的提高措施及测试方法.<<上海大学学报(自然科学版)>>, 2003, 9(2):177-180
