2009-2013年 华中科技大学煤燃烧国家重点实验室,博士后
2004-2008年 华中科技大学-南洋理工大学(新加坡)博士
2001-2004年 东北电力大学 硕士
1994-1997年 太原电力高等专科学校
1. 省科技进步二等奖,煤燃烧CO2新型零排放关键技术(编号:2015-J-136-R01/10),2015年(排名第一)
2. 省教育厅技术成果一等奖,煤燃烧CO2新型零排放关键技术研究(编号:豫教[2015]03223号),2015年(排名第一)
3. 省优秀学术论文二等奖, 2015年(排名第一)
1.Wang Baowen, Cao Yongmei, Li Jun, Wang Weishu, Zhao Haibo, Zheng Chuguang (2016):In-depth investigation of chemical looping combustion of a Chinese bituminous coal with CuFe2O4 combined oxygen carrier. Energy&Fuels, 2016,30(10):8499-8510;
2.Wang Baowen, Wang Weishu, Ma Qiang, Lu Jun, Zhao Haibo, Zheng Chuguang (2016):Migration and redistribution of sulfur species during chemical looping combustion of coal with CuFe2O4. Energy&Fuels, 2016,30(3): 2285-2294;
3.Wang Baowen, Gao Chuanchang, Wang Weishu, Kong Fanhai, Zheng Chuguang (2014):TGA-FTIR investigation of chemical looping combustion by coal with CoFe2O4 combined oxygen carrier. Journal of Analytical and Applied pyrolysis, 105:369-378;
4.Wang Baowen, Gao Chuanchang, Wang Weishu, Zhao Haibo, Zheng Chuguang (2014):Sulfur evolution in chemical looping combustion of coal with MnFe2O4. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 26(5):1062-1070;
5.Wang Baowen, Xiao Gan, Song Xiaoyong, Zhao Haibo, Zheng Chuguang (2014): Chemical looping combustion of high-sulfur coal with NiFe2O4. Journal of Thermal Analysis & Calorimetry, 118(3):1593-1602;
6.Wang Baowen, Song Xiaoyong, Wang Zonghua, Zheng Chuguang (2014): Preparation and application of the sol–gel combustion synthesis-made CaO/CaZrO3 sorbent for cyclic CO2 capture through the severe calcination condition. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 22(9):991-999;
7.Wang Baowen, Zhao Haibo, Zheng Yi, Liu Zhaohui, Zheng Chuguang (2013): Chemical looping combustion of petroleum coke with CuFe2O4 as oxygen carrier. Chemical Engineering and Technology, 36(9):1488-1495;
8.Wang Baowen, Zhao Haibo, Zheng Yi, Liu Zhaohui, Yan Rong, Zheng Chuguang (2012) : Chemical looping combustion of a Chinese anthracite with Fe2O3-based and CuO-based oxygen carriers. Fuel Processing Technology, 96:104-115;
9.Wang Baowen, Yan Rong, Zhao Haibo, Zheng Ying, Zheng Chuguang (2011): Investigation of chemical looping combustion of coal with CuFe2O4 oxygen carrier. Energy & Fuels, 25(7): 3344-3354;
10.Wang Baowen, Yan Rong, Lee Dongho, Zheng Ying, Zhao Haibo, Zheng Chuguang (2011): Characterization and evaluation of Fe2O3/Al2O3 oxygen carrier prepared by sol-gel combustion synthesis. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2011,91(1): 105-113;
11.Wang Baowen, Yan Rong, Zheng Ying, Zhao Haibo, Zheng Chuguang (2011): Mechanistic investigation of chemical looping combustion of coal with Fe2O3 oxygen carrier. Fuel, 2011,90(7): 2359-2366;