1998.09-2002.06 太原师范学院数学系,获理学学士学位
2005.09-2008.04 西北工业大学理学院应用数学系,获理学硕士学位
2010.03-2013.12 西北工业大学理学院应用数学系,获理学博士学位
2016.12-2017.12 加拿大约克大学统计系,访问学者
2002.07-2008.07 太原科技大学应用科学学院,助教
2008.08-2014.09 太原科技大学应用科学学院,讲师
2014.10-至今 太原科技大学应用科学学院,副教授
1.Peiyan Qi, Xifa Duan, Zheng Tian, MOSUM monitoring for variance change in nonparametric regression models,Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation,online, 2017,07,http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03610918.2017.1350271
2. Peiyan Qi, Xifa Duan, Zheng Tian, Fuxiao Li, Sequential monitoring for changes in models with a polynomial trend. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 2016, 45(1): 222 - 239.SCI检索, WOS: 000365094700013
3. Peiyan Qi, Zheng Tian, Xifa Duan, Sequential Monitoring Variance Changes in Location Model. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2015, 44(24) 5267 - 5284.SCI检索,WOS:000366397900012
4.齐培艳,段西发,田铮,基于小波的非参数回归模型均值变点的Bootstrap监测,系统理论与实践,2014, 34(10): 2650—2655.EI检索
5. Peiyan Qi*, Zi Jin, Zheng Tian, Zhanshou Chen, Monitoring persistent change in a heavy-tailed sequence with polynomial trends, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 2013,42(4), pp 497-506.(SCI检索,WOS:000326556600007)
6.齐培艳*,田铮,段西发,袁芳,异方差非参数回归模型均值与方差变点的小波估计与应用,系统工程理论与实践, 2013, 33(4), pp 988-995. (EI: 20132516428791).
7. Peiyan QI*, Zheng Tian, Xifa Duan, Sequential monitoring change in persistence of polynomial regression model, 2012 9th International Conference on Fuzzy systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2012.5, pp 1023-1027, Chongqing China,2012. (EI: 20130515971589)
8. Peiyan Qi*, Zheng Tian, Xifa Duan, Detecting for change-point in nonparametric function with Unit-root noise by wavelets, Communications in Statistics-Theory and methods, 2011, 40(2), pp 187-198. (SCI: 000283323100001, EI: 20104213296799)
9.齐培艳*,田铮,误差为单位根过程的非参数回归模型均值变点的检测,工程数学学报,2010, 27(4), pp 584-592.
10.齐培艳,田铮等,噪声为单位根过程的非参数函数变点的小波检测,控制理论与应用,2009,26(1), pp 57-61.
11.齐培艳,田铮,无穷方差厚尾过程变点的小波估计,学的实践与认识,2008,38(11), pp 115-124.
12.Peiyan Qi Xifa Duan, Zheng Tian, Bootstrapping monitoring for mean change in nonparametric regression models, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,录用.
13.Fuxiao; Zheng Tian; Peiyan Qi,Structural Change Monitoring for Random Coefficient Autoregressive Time Series,Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 2015, 44(4), pp 996-1009.
14. Fuxiao Li; Zheng Tian; Peiyan Qi; Zhanshou Chen,Monitoring parameter changes in RCA(p) models,Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 2015, 44(1), pp 111-122.
15.段西发*,田铮,齐培艳,无穷方差厚尾过程中非参数函数的小波估计,数理统计与管理,2010,29(2), pp 254-261.
16.李晓燕,田铮,齐培艳,赵文芝,噪声为厚尾过程的非参数函数变点的小波估计,工程数学学报,2010,27(6), pp 986-994.