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1998.09-2003.06 太原理工大学 理学院数学力学系工程力学专业五年制 2003.09-2006.06 太原理工大学 应力所固体力学专业 2006.09- 2010.06 暨南大学理工学院力学与土木工程系工程力学专业 2010.07-2013.05 太原科技大学应科学院力学系讲师,同年遴选为本校力学专业硕士生导师 2013.02-2013.07 澳大利亚西澳大学土木工程系学术访问 2013.5-至今 太原科技大学力学系,副教授 获奖情况 2015.07 获太原科技大学优秀共产党员称号 2014.06 获山西省本科院校青年教师讲课基本功大赛三等奖 2014.05 在太原科技大学应用科学学院青年教师教学基本功大赛中获得一等奖 2014.05 被评为太原科技大学“2013~2014年度优秀青年教师” 2011.08 项目“典型工程结构损伤识别及其加固技术”获广东省科技进步二等奖,排名第五


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Zhang W, Hao H, Wu J, et al. Detection of Minor Damage in Structures with Guided Wave Signals and Nonlinear Oscillator[J]. Measurement, 2017. 2. Weiwei Zhang, Jun Li, Hong Hao, Hongwei Ma.Damage Detection in Bridge Structures under Moving Loads with Phase Trajectory Change of Multi-type Vibration Measurements. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 87 (2017) 410–425 3. Jing Wu, Yu Wang, Weiwei Zhang, Zhenhua Nie, Rong Lin, Hongwei Ma.Defect detection of pipes using Lyapunov dimension of Duffing oscillator based on ultrasonic guided waves. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 82(2017)130–147. 4. Fei Yang, LinJing, WeiweiZhang, YinzhongYan, HongweiMa. Experimental and numerical studies of the oblique defects in the pipes using a chaotic oscillator based on ultrasonic guided waves. Journal of Sound and Vibration 347(2015)218–231. 5. Baodong Dai, Qifang Wang, Weiwei Zhang, Linghui Wang. The complex variable meshless local Petrov–Galerkin method for elastodynamic problems. Applied Mathematics and Computation 243 (2014) 311–321. 6. Zhangweiwei, MaHongwei. Comparative Studies on Damage Detection Based on Dynamic Response of a Beam Subjecting to Moving Load。Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 330 (2013) pp 925-930 7. Wu Jing, Zhang Weiwei. Circumference damage identification in a pipe using mode conversion of longitudinal guided wave. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 395-396 (2013) pp 787-791 8. Zhang Weiwei, Geng Jia, Zhao Zilong, Wang Zhihua. Numerical Studies on Wavelet-Based Crack Detection Based on Velocity Response of a Beam Subjected to Moving Load. Key Engineering Materials Vols. 569-570 (2013) pp 854-859. 9. Weiwei Zhang, Hong Hao, Jun Li. Comparative studieds on wavelet-based damage detection using responses of a bridge subjected to moving load.The 6th international conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure. Hong Kong | 9‐11 December 2013 10. Zhang Weiwei. Ma Hongwei, Comparative studies on the damage detection based on dynamic response of a beam subjecting to moving load. ICSHMI-2012 11. Zhang Weiwei. Wu Jing, ZHAO Zilong, Ma Hongwei, Experimental Studies on Wavelet-based Crack Detection for Pipeline using Ultrasonic Guided Wave. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 220-223 (2012) pp 1552-1558. 12. Yang Xiu-Li, Dai Bao-Dong, and Zhang Wei-WeiThe complex variable meshless local Petrov Galerkin method of solving two-dimensional potential problems. Chin. Phys. B Vol. 21, No. 10 (2012) 100208 13. Zhang Weiwei, Wang Zhihua, Ma Hongwei. Cracks Identification in a stepped cantilever beam combining wavelet transform with frequency data. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica,. 2009,22(4), 360-368. 14. Zhang Weiwei, Wang Zhihua, Ma Hongwei. Studies on Wavelet Packet-based Crack Detection for a Beam under the Moving Load. DAMAS09. Key Engineering Materials Vols. 413-414 (2009) pp 285-290. 15. Wang Zhihua, Jing Lin, Zhang Weiwei, Ma Hongwei. Identification of crack parameters in a cantilever beam under uncertain end conditions. DAMAS09 Key Engineering Materials Vols. 413-414 (2009) pp 117-124. 16. Wang ZH Zhang WW Ma HW. Crack Identification in the Complex Beam-type Structures Based on Frequency Data. ADVANCES IN VIBRATION ENGINEERING. 2008(7)2, 155-166出版年: APR-JUN 2008 17. 张伟伟,田锦邦.弹性力学的三段式教学方法.力学与实践, 2017, 39(2): 191-195 18. 张伟伟,张俊婷.西学东渐中力学在中国传播的教学启示.力学与实践(录用稿). 2017年9月. 19. 张伟伟,武静,马宏伟.基于Lyapunov指数的超声导波检测技术.振动、测试与诊断,2015,35(2):250-257. 20. 武静,张伟伟,马宏伟.利用Lyapunov指数实现超声导波检测的实验研究.振动与冲击2014 33 (24): 82-87
