2000.09—2004.06 太原师范学院数学与应用数学专业学习,获理学学士学位
2004.09—2007.06 山东科技大学运筹学与控制论专业学习,获理学硕士学位
2007.07—2010.09 太原科技大学外语系工作
2010.10—至今 太原科技大学应用科学学院教师
2013.03—2017.11 西北工业大学数学专业在职攻读博士学位
1. Bin Liu, Yimin Shi, Jing Cai, Xuchao Bai, Chunfang Zhang. Nonparametric Bayesian analysis for masked data from hybrid systems in accelerated lifetime tests, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2017,66(3):662-676. (SCI、EI索引)
2. Bin Liu, Yimin Shi, Fode Zhang, Xuchao Bai. Reliability nonparametric Bayesian estimation for the masked data of parallel systems in step-stress accelerated life tests. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2017(311):375-386. (SCI、EI索引)
3. Bin Liu, Yimin Shi, Jing Cai. Ruibing Wang. Reliability analysis of masked data in adaptive step-stress partially accelerated lifetime tests with progressive removal. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 2017,46(12):6174-6191. (SCI索引)
4. Bin Liu, Yimin Shi, Jing Cai, Mo Chen. Reliability analysis for masked data under Type-II generalized progressively hybrid censored scheme. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, 687: 1198-1201. (EI索引).
5.刘斌,师义民,蔡静,王瑞兵.幂函数模型下恒加寿命试验的非参数贝叶斯分析.应用概率统计, 2016, 32(06): 617-631.
6.刘斌,董焕河,宋明.一个新的高维向量Lie代数及其应用.大学数学, 2008, 24(2):49-53.
7. Bin Liu, Huanhe Dong, Zhu Li, The Hamiltonian structure of two integrable expanding models, J. Partial Differential Equations, 2007, 20: 337-348.
8. Jing Cai, Yimin Shi, Bin Liu. Analysis of incomplete data in presence of dependent competing risks from Marshall-Olkin Weibull distribution under type-I progressive hybrid censoring. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 2017, 46(13): 6497-6511. (SCI、EI索引)
9. Jing Cai, Yimin Shi, Bin Liu. Analysis of masked data in a series system subjected to sources of shocks under type-I progressive hybrid censoring. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2016, 44(5):1949-1959. (SCI、EI索引)
10. Jing Cai, Yimin Shi, Bin Liu. Inference for a series system with dependent masked data under progressively interval censoring. Journal of Applied Statistics,2016, 44(1):3-15. (SCI索引)
11. Jing Cai, Yimin Shi, Bin Liu. Bayesian analysis for Burr-XII masked system in step-stress partially accelerated life test under type-I progressive hybrid censoring. International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, 2015, 22(04): 1550018. (EI索引)
12.蔡静,师义民,刘斌.逐步II型截尾下屏蔽数据Burr XII串联系统的可靠性分析.数理统计与管理, 2015, 34(5): 840-848.