1981.10—1985.07 太原工业大学数力系应用力学专业学习,获工学学士学位
1985.07—1987.08 太原工业大学数力系教师,助教
1987.09—1990.03 东南大学固体力学专业学习,获工学硕士学位
1990.03—1994.09 山西矿业学院材料力学教研室教师,讲师
1994.09—1998.02 西安交通大学固体力学专业学习,获工学博士学位
1998.03—2004.07 太原理工大学理学院应用力学教研室教师,副教授,室主任
2004.07—2005.12 太原理工大学理学院应用力学教研室教师,教授,室主任
2005.12—至今 太原科技大学应用科学学院力学系教师,教授,副院长,图书馆馆长
1.Thermal Stress Analogue Measurement and Analysis of Boiler Drum. TSTM/97 2nd International Symposium on Test and Measurement,(EI收录, 124485, Vol.35, No.9, 1997).
2.圆锥杆垂直侵彻半无限厚水泥靶时应力波传播特性研究,西安交通大学学报 Vol.32, No.4, 1998.4.(EI收录).
3.Analysis of Stress Wave Propagation on a Conical-Rosed Penetrator into Semi-Infinite Cement Target,ISSTAD’98(The International Symposium on Strength Theory),1998,9.
4.S100纵向割头掘进机电控箱的振动隔离,机械强度, 1998, No.1 (EI收录;中国力学文摘收录, Vol.13, No.1,1999,3 ).
5.Stress Measurement and Analysis of Shriver Pressure Filter Installation,ISTM/99 3rd International Symposium on Test and Measurement, 1999,6(EI收录).
6.圆柱杆侵彻过程及应力波传播分析,应用力学学报,Vol.17, No.1,2000,3.
7.Analysis of Dynamics on Cylinder Penetrating into Soil,ICAPV2000 (Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Problems in Vibration Theory and Applications), Xi’an, June,2000.
8.Experiment Analysis of Fracture Mechanical Properties on Fiber Reinforce Morter,ISTM/2001 4th International Symposium on Test and Measurement, 2001,6.(EI收录)
9.Experiment Research and Analysis on Mechanics of Niti Wires,ISTM/2003 5th International Symposium on Test and Measurement, 2003,6.(EI收录)
10.长杆弹侵彻半无限厚土的旋转效应分析,振动与冲击,2010,29,(4): 9-11,(EI收录: 2010231298787)