1998.09—2002.07 山西大学数学系数学教育专业学习,获理学学士学位
2002.09—2005.07 山西大学数学科学学院应用数学专业学习,获理学硕士学位
2005.09—2008.07 山西大学数学科学学院应用数学专业学习,获理学博士学位
2008.08—2010.10 太原科技大学应用科学学院数学系讲师
2010.11—至今 太原科技大学应用科学学院数学系副教授
1. 2011年获山西省自然科学类科技进步三等奖
2. 2014、2017年获太原科技大学优秀共产党员
3. 成功申报《高等数学》山西省精品资源共享课,排名第二
1.Aixia Liu,Shiying Wang,Jun Yuan, On g-extra conditional diagnosability of hypercubes and folded hypercubes, Theoretical Computer Science 704 (2017) 62–73.(SCI收录)
2.Jun Yuan, Aixia Liu, et. al.Sufficient conditions for triangle-free graphs to be super k-restricted edge-connected, Information Processing Letters 116(2016)163–167.(SCI收录)
3.Yun Yuan,Aixia Liu et. al.g-Good-neighbor conditional diagnosability measures for 3-ary n-cube networks,Theoretical Computer Science, 626 (2016) 144–162.(SCI收录)
4.Yun Yuan,Aixia Liu, Jifu Zhang et. al.The good-neighbor conditional diagnosability of k-Ary n-cubes under the PMC model and MM* model.IEEE Transaction on Parallel and Distributed systems, 26(2015):1165-1177.(SCI收录)
5.Jun Yuan,Aixia Liu, et. al. Panconnectivity of n-dimensional torus networks with faulty vertices and edges. Discrete Applied Mathematics 161 (2013) 404–423.(SCI收录)
6.Jing Li, Di Liu,Jun Yuan.Pancyclicity of k-ary n-cube networks with faulty vertices and edges,Discrete Applied Mathematics 160 (2012) 231–238.(SCI收录)
7.Jun Yuan,Aixia Liu.The k-Restricted Edge Connectivity of Balanced Bipartite Graphs.Graphs and Combinatorics (2011) 27:289–303.(SCI收录)
8.Jun Yuan,Aixia Liu. Sufficient conditions for lammd_k-optimality in triangle-free graphs.Discrete Mathematics 310 (2010) 981-987.(SCI收录)
9.Jun Yuan,Aixia Liu, Shiying Wang.Sufficient conditions for bipartite graphs to be super-k-restricted edge connected.Discrete Mathematics 309 (2009) 2886-2896.(SCI收录)
10.Shiying Wang,Jun Yuan,Aixia Liu.k-Restricted edge connectivity for some interconnection networks, Applied Mathematics and Computation 201 (2008) 587–596.(SCI收录)
11.Shiying Wang,Jun Yuan,Shangwei Lin. DNA labelled graphs with DNA computing, Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 51(2008): 437–452.(SCI收录)