1985.09-1990.07 兰州医学院 临床医学 医学学士
1990.07-2002.07 甘肃省干部医疗保健医院 临床医生
2002.07-2017.09 兰州大学 教师
2006.09-2009.12 甘肃省农业大学 博士
2017.09-今 中央民族大学 教师
Q. Li, J. Li, J. Tian, B. Zhu, Y. Zhang, K. Yang, Y. Ling, Y. Hu.IL-1 7 and IFN-γ production in peripheral blood following BCG vaccination and Mycobacter ium tuberculosis infection in human,European Review for Medical and Pharma cological Sciences,201 2,(1 6): 2029-2036.
Yaqin Ling , Xiangqun Shi, Yong Wang, Xiaoling Ling , Qing Li. Down-regula tion of thyroid hormone receptor b1 gene expression in gastric cancer involves promoter methylation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2014(444) :147–152.
Yaqin ling, Xiaolingling,lu Fan, Yong Wang, Qing li. Mutation analysis under lying the downregulation of the thyroid hormone receptor β1 gene in the chinese breast cancer population.OncoTargets and Therapy 2015,8: 2967–2972.
Yaqin Ling, Qing Li, Hui Yang, Yonghe Wang, Fabing Tang, Hongfei Kang, Yong Wang. Loss of heterozygosity in thyroid hormone receptor beta in invasive breast cancer.Tumori 2015, 101(5):572-577.
Li Qing, Zhang Xiaoyun, Wei Na, Liu Shuwen, Ling Yaqin, Wang Hao. p21-activated kinase 4 as a switch between caspase-8 apoptosis and NF-κB survival signals in response to TNF-α in hepatocarcinoma cells. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 2018 doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2018.08.085