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1. Lijuan Huo, Xibai Zeng*, Arsenic availability and uptake by edible rape (Brassica campestris L.) grown in contaminated soils spiked with carboxymethyl cellulose stabilized ferrihydrite nanoparticles, Environmental Science and Pollution Research , 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s11356-018-1718-7 2. Lijuan Huo, Wenbo Xie, Tianwei Qian, Xiaohong Guan, Dongye Zhao*, Reductive immobilization of pertechnetate in soil and groundwater using synthetic pyrite nanoparticles, Chemosphere, 2017, 174: 456-465 3. Lijuan Huo, Xibai Zeng*, Shiming Su, Lingyu Bai, Yanan Wang, Enhanced removal of As (V) from aqueous solution using modified hydrous ferric oxide nanoparticles, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 40765 4. Lijuan Huo, Tianwei Qian*, Junting Hao, Dongye Zhao*,Sorption and retardation of strontium in saturated Chinese loess: Experimental results and model analysis, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2013, 116(1): 19-27 5. Lijuan Huo, Tianwei Qian*, Junting Hao, Hongfang Liu, Dongye Zhao*,Effect of water content on strontium retardation factor and distribution coefficient in Chinese loess, Journal of Radiological Protection, 2013, 33(4): 791-807 6. 霍丽娟; 任理; 毛萌; 殷社芳,阿特拉津及其代谢物在砂质壤土中的吸附, 中国环境科学, 2018, 254-262. DOI:10.19674/j.cnki.issn1000-6923.2018.0030 7. 霍丽娟, 钱天伟*, 丁庆伟, 李一菲, 杨国义,不同喷淋量对核废物处置库顶盖毛细屏障效应的实验研究,环境污染与防治, 2014, 36(1):51-54 8. 霍丽娟,李一菲,钱天伟*, 定水头法和降水头法测定黄土的饱和导水率, 太原科技大学学报, 2010, 3: 256-259 9. 霍丽娟,杨改强,杨国义, 何秋生,李一菲,赵世平,钱天伟*,粗颗粒层厚度及倾角对放射性废物处置场顶盖毛细屏障影响的实验研究, 环境污染与防治, 2009, 31(4): 11-13,27 10. Gaiqiang Yang, Ping Guo, Lijuan Huo, Chongfeng Ren, Optimization of the irrigation water resources for Shijin irrigation district in north China, Agricultural Water Management, 2015 , 158 :82-98 11. Tianwei Qian, Lijuan Huo, Dongye Zhao. Laboratory Investigation Into Factors Affecting Performance of Capillary Barrier System in Unsaturated Soil. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 2010, 206(1-4):295~306 12. 李佳, 霍丽娟, 钱天伟. 硫化亚铁纳米粒子吸附地下水中的镉. 环境工程学报, 2016, 10(3):1264~1270. 13. 霍丽娟, 钱天伟. PBL 与 E-Learning 混合教学模式应用于环境生物学实验教学. 山西煤炭管理干部学院学报, 2014, 27(1):115~117. 14. 李一菲, 田帅慧, 霍丽娟, 等. 锶在改性介质中的吸附规律及其影响因素研究. 环境污染与防治, 2013, 35(1):20~24. 15. 李一菲, 田帅慧, 霍丽娟, 等. 锶在改性介质中迁移的柱实验研究. 太原科技大学学报, 2012,(02):161~166. 16. 郝军停, 霍丽娟, 李一菲, 等. 锶在不同水流速度下的迁移规律探究. 环境科学与技术, 2012, 35(12):154~158. 17. 丁庆伟, 霍丽娟, 杨改强, 等. 废水治理中微生物的生长规律研究. 太原科技大学学报, 2011, 32(2):163~165. 18. 陈勇, 霍丽娟, 钱天伟. 黄土中 Ca 对 Sr 分配系数的影响. 山西农业科学, 2010, 38(7):83~84. 19. 钱天伟, 霍丽娟, 李一菲. 非饱和土壤阻滞核素迁移的研究进展. 太原科技大学学报, 2010, 31(6):511~514. 20. 霍丽娟, 钱天伟, 杨改强, 等. 双层孔隙介质水阻与绕流量分析. 太原科技大学学报, 2008, 29(5):414~418. 21. 钱天伟, 刘春国, 丁庆伟, 等. 放射性废物处置库顶盖毛细屏障的研究进展. 环境污染与防治, 2008, 29(12):938~940.
