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教育背景 2006.09~2012.06 西安理工大学 机械工程 工学博士 2003.09~2006.07 太原科技大学 车辆工程 工学硕士 1999.09~2003.07 太原重型机械学院 交通运输 工学学士 工作经历 2012.7~今 太原科技大学 教师 荣誉奖励 项目奖励 孙大刚,燕碧娟,宋勇,章新. 粘弹性组合结构阻尼特性研究,山西省教育厅,2014.5.10 荣誉称号 太原科技大学“优秀共产党员”,2017.6




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. 李占龙,宋勇,孙大刚,章新,孙宝.黏弹性材料动态力学性能的分数阶时温等效模型与验证[J].农业工程学报,2017,33(08):90-96. (EI收录) 2. 郝艳东,宋勇,秦军,雷伟梁,马兴旺,薛小婷,孔宇飞.Honda节能车WH125发动机供油方式及油耗特性实验研究[J].汽车实用技术,2017(19):15-18 3. 李占龙,孙大刚,宋勇,刘付喜,赵树萍.基于分数阶导数的黏弹性悬架减振模型及其数值方法[J].振动与冲击,2016,35(16):123-129. (EI收录) 4. 孙宝,孙大刚,宋勇,李占龙,王军.基于变形能的粘弹性薄阻尼层结构阻尼特性分析[J].兵工学报,2015,36(04):744-751. (EI收录) 5. 孙大刚,高蓬,宋勇,梁培根,沈毅.救护车载PAM担架缓冲系统特性分析[J].振动与冲击,2015,34(14):200-205. (EI收录) 6. 王军,孙大刚,宋勇,刘世忠.履带式推土机橡胶减振器冲击特性分析[J].机械设计与制造,2015(02):19-20+24 7. 燕碧娟,孙大刚,宋勇,章新.履带车辆支重轮粘弹阻尼减振设计与分析[J].机械设计与制造,2014(03):227-229+233 8. Song Y, Sun D G, Zhang X, Yan B J. An analytical solution to steady-state temperature distribution ofN-layer viscoelastic suspensions used in crawler vehicles.International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems.Vol.19,No.3,pp281-298, 2012. (SCI、 EI收录) 9. Sun D G, Zhang X, Song Y, Yan B J. Optimization for sandwich damping composite structure: Used in sprocket of crawler vehicles.Journal ofSandwich Structure and Materials,Vol.14,No.1,pp95-110,2012. (SCI、 EI收录) 10. Sun D G, Yan B J, Song Y, Zhang X. Stress-deformation-temperature behavior of a rolling segmented constrained layer damped bogie wheel.Noise Control Engineering, Vol.60, No.6, pp655-664. 2012. (SCI、 EI收录) 11. Song Y, Sun D G, Zhang X, Yan B J. A solution to steady-state temperature distribution for N-combination-layer viscoelastic suspensions with nonuniform heat generation. International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, Vol.12, No.6, pp261-269, 2011. (EI收录) 12. 燕碧娟,孙大刚,宋勇,章新.基于振动能耗散的间隔阻尼层合支重轮参数优化[J].农业工程学报,2011,27(01):175-179. (EI收录) 13. 孙大刚,冯辰生,宋勇,章新,卢南炎.Mckibben型气动人工肌肉缓冲座椅减振特性分析[J].农业工程学报,2011,27(07):146-150 (EI收录) 14. Song Y, Sun D G, Zhang X, Yan B J. Steady state temperature distribution study of laminated damping apparatus with nonuniform heat generation. 3rd International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, 2011.03.15-17, Vol.3, pp342-345, Shanghai, China, 2011. (EI收录) 15. Yan B J, Sun D G, Song Y, Zhang X. Buffer property analysis of segmented constrained layer damping bogie wheel. 3rd International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, 2011.03.15-17, Vol.1, pp654-657, Shanghai, China, 2011. (EI收录) 16. Jia Zhixuan, Song Yong, Sun Dagang. Modeling and analysis of steady temperature field on buffer components for viscoelastic suspensions of construction vehicle[C].2010 International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, 2010.03.13-14, Vol.2, 675-678, Changsha, China, 2010. (EI收录) 17. 贾志绚,王军,孙大刚,宋勇.粘弹性悬架阻尼缓冲件温度场特性.农业机械学报, 第41卷,第3期,34-38页,2010. (EI收录) 18. Song Y, Sun D G, Zhang X, Zhang X L, Shi Q L.Dynamic modeling study on contact-type viscoelastic suspensions used in crawler construction vehicles.Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines,Vol.37,No.4,pp513-537, 2009. (SCI、EI收录) 19. Sun D G, Song Y*, Zhang X L, Lin M Y. An experimental study on fatigue characteristics for viscoelastic suspensions.Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, Vol.32, No.2, pp181-194,2008.(SCI, EI收录) 20. 孙大刚,宋勇,林慕义,张学良.黏弹性悬架阻尼缓冲件动态接触有限元建模研究[J].农业工程学报,2008(01):24-28. (EI收录)
