2009/9 - 2013/7,西北工业大学,材料加工工程,工学博士
2006/9 - 2009/7,太原科技大学,材料加工工程,工学硕士
2001/9 - 2005/7,太原科技大学,材料成型及控制工程,工学学士
2018/01 -至今,太原科技大学,机械工程学院,副教授
2016/01 - 2019/01,太原科技大学,机械工程博士后
2013/08 - 2015/12,太原科技大学,机械工程学院,讲师
2005/08 - 2006/08,大连重工.起重集团有限公司,设计院冷轧室,科员
朱艳春(1/6),铸态AZ31B镁合金流动应力预测模型研究,山西省教育厅,第十九届山西省优秀学术论文,二等奖, 2018
2017 年6 月获“优秀共产党员”称号
朱艳春(1/4), Ti40合金热压缩变形过程的开裂行为研究,山西省教育厅,第十八届山西省优秀学术论文,二等奖, 2016
2015 年12 月获“2014/2015 学年太原科技大学优秀班主任”称号
2014 年9 月获“2014 年全国压力加工设备节能降耗及升级研讨会”优秀论文一等奖
朱艳春,马立峰,黄志权,秦建平,王建梅,加工参数对铸态AZ31B镁合金热变形行为及组织演变的影响,稀有金属材料与工程, 2019, 48(01): 263-269
Y.C. ZhuQ.X. Huang, X.H. Shi, M.R. Shuai, W.D. Zeng, Y.Q. Zhao, Z.Q. Huang, Precipitation location of the secondary phaseand microstructuralevolutionduring static recrystallization of as-castTi-25V-15Cr-0.3Sititanium alloy, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2018, 28(8): 1521-1529
Y.C. Zhu,W.D. Zeng,Y.Q. Zhao,Influence of deformation parameters on fracture mechanism of Ti40 titanium alloy, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2017, 46(5): 1207-1213
朱艳春,石晓辉,曾卫东,赵永庆,王建梅,马立峰,黄志权,轻合金热变形本构模型研究,轻金属, 2017, (5): 47-55
朱艳春,黄庆学,叶力平,黄志权,马立峰,秦建平,铸态AZ31B镁合金流动应力预测模型研究,稀有金属材料与工程, 2016, 45(10): 2615-2620
Yanchun Zhu, Weidong Zeng, Fusheng Zhang, Yongqing Zhao, Xuemin Zhang, Kaixuan Wang, A new methodology for prediction of fracture initiation in hot compression of Ti40 titanium alloy, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2012, 553: 112-118
Yanchun Zhu, Weidong Zeng, Fei Feng, Yu Sun, Yuanfei Han, Yigang Zhou, Characterization of hot deformation behavior of as-cast TC21 titanium alloy using processing map, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2011, 528: 1757-1763
Y.C. Zhu,W.D. Zeng, J.L. Liu, Y.Q. Zhao, Y.G. Zhou, H.Q. Yu, Effect of processing parameters on the hot deformation behavior of as-cast TC21 titanium alloy, Materials and Design, 2012, 33: 264-272
Yanchun Zhu, Weidong Zeng, Yongqing Zhao, Ying Shu, Xuemin zhang. Effect of processing parameters on hot deformation behavior and microstructural evolution during hot compression of Ti40 titanium alloy.Materials Science & Engineering A. 2012, 552: 384-391
Yanchun Zhu, Weidong Zeng, Yu Sun, Fei Feng, Yigang Zhou. Artificial neural network approach to predict the flow stress in the isothermal compression of as-cast TC21 titanium alloy. Computational Materials Science. 2011, 50: 1785-1790
Yanchun Zhu, Weidong Zeng, Xiong Ma, Qingan Tai, Zhihua Li, Xiaoguang Li. Determination of the friction factor of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy in hot forging by means of ring-compression test using FEM. Tribology International. 2011, 44: 2074-2080
朱艳春,岳振伟,黄庆学,马立峰,黄志权,张阳, BP神经网络方法预测铸态AZ31B镁合金高温流动应力,第四届轧钢设备新技术国际研讨会,沈阳,中国,2017.12.7-12.8
朱艳春,黄庆学,秦建平,马立峰,帅美荣,楚志兵, Ti40钛合金高温流变行为研究,第三届轧钢设备新技术国际研讨会(2015)暨重型机械新技术、新装备国际研讨会,秦皇岛,中国, 2015.8.19-8.21
Yanchun Zhu, Weidong Zeng, Yongqing Zhao, Wenwen Peng. Damage and fracture mechanism in hot compression of as-cast Ti40 titanium alloy. The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Materials and Technology. Advanced Materials Research. 750-752: 721-724, Zhangjiajie, China, May, 2013
Yanchun Zhu, Weidong Zeng, Yongqing Zhao, Fei Feng, Yigang Zhou, Hanqing Yu. High-temperature deformation behavior of as-cast TC21 titanium alloy. Ti 2011-Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Titanium, June 19-24, 2011: 527-530, Beijing, China