2013年09月—至今: 浙江理工大学生命科学学院,副研究员
(1) 非生物逆境胁迫下植物内源NO和ROS信号调控作用及机制研究;
(2) 水稻重金属镉积累的生理和分子机制及防控型栽培管理技术研究;
(3) UV-B胁迫对中草药重要次生代谢产物的调控作用及机制研究。
1、 Jie Xiong, Guanfu Fu, Yongjie Yang, Cheng Zhu, Longxing Tao*. 2012. Tungstate: is it really a specific nitrate reductase inhibitor in plant nitric oxide research? Journal of Experimental Botany 63: 33-41 (SCI, IF=5.242)
2、Jie Xiong, Long Zhang, Guanfu Fu, Yongjie Yang, Cheng Zhu, Longxing Tao*. 2012. Drought-induced proline accumulation is uninvolved with increased nitric oxide, which alleviates drought stress by decreasing transpiration in rice. Journal of Plant Research 125: 155-164 (SCI, IF=2.059)
3、Jie Xiong,Guanfu Fu,Longxing Tao*,Cheng Zhu*. 2010. Roles of nitric oxide in alleviating heavy metal toxicity in plants. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 497:13-20 (SCI, IF=3.022)
4、Jie Xiong, Han Lu, Kaixing Lu, Yuxing Duan, Lingyao An, Cheng Zhu. 2009. Cadmium decreases crown root number by decreasing endogenous nitric oxide, which is indispensable for crown root primordia initiation in rice seedlings. Planta 230:599-610 (SCI, IF=3.372)
5、Jie Xiong, Lingyao An, Han Lu, Cheng Zhu. 2009. Exogenous nitric oxide enhances cadmium tolerance of rice by increasing pectin and hemicellulose contents in root cell wall. Planta 230:755-765 (SCI, IF=3.372)
6、Li Zhao*, Jie Xiong*, Liping Li, Cheng Zhu. 2009. Low concentration of exogenous abscisic acid increases lead tolerance in rice seedlings by effecting antioxidant enzymes activities. Biologia Plantarum 53:738-742 (共同第一作者) (SCI, IF=1.656)
7、Jie Xiong, Longxing Tao, Cheng Zhu. 2009. Does nitric oxide play a pivotal role downstream of auxin in promoting crown root primordia initiation in monocots? Plant Signaling & Behavior 4:999-1001