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1. 1996.9-2000.6华中农业大学植物科学技术学院,作物遗传育种专业,农学学士 2. 2000.9-2005.6华中农业大学作物遗传改良国家重点实验室,博士学位(作物遗传育种专业,植物分子生物学) 3. 2005.7 -2007.7,浙江大学,农业与生物技术学院,浙江省农业科学院,病毒学与生物技术研究所,博士后; 4. 2007.7-2009.12,浙江省农业科学院,病毒学与生物技术研究所,副研究员; 5. 2009.1-2010.8,瑞典,于默奥大学UPSC研究中心,植物生理系,博士后; 6. 2010.8-2016.5,杭州师范大学,生命与环境科学学院,副研究员。 7. 2016.5-今,浙江理工大学,生命科学学院,副研究员




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1. Ke L, Liu R, Chu B, Yu X, Sun J, Jones B, Pan G, Cheng X, Wang H, Zhu S, Sun Y. Cell Suspension Culture-Mediated Incorporation of the Rice Bel Gene into Transgenic Cotton. PLoS One, 2012, 7(7): e39974. 2. Wu Xiao-Yun, Ding Hai-Tao, Ke Li-Ping, Xin Yue-Yong, Cheng Xiao-Fei. Characterization of an acid-resistant glucose 1-dehydrogenase from Bacillus cereus var. mycoides. Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 2012, 17(4): 7540-7548 3. 刘振林,柯丽萍,何海燕,陈锦清.甘蓝型油菜雄性不育基因MS1的克隆及其amiRNA载体的构建,浙江农业学报,2010,22 (5): 552-557 4. He Junping, Ke Liping, Hong Dengfeng, Wang Guichun, Liu Pingwu, Yang Guangsheng. Fine mapping of a recessive genic male sterility gene (Bnms3) in rapeseed (Brassica. napus) with AFLP- and Arabidopsis - derived PCR markers. Theor Appl Genet, 2008, 117: 11-18 (Junping He and Liping Ke have contributed equally to this paper) 5. 柯丽萍,郑滔,吴学龙,何海燕,陈锦清. 甘蓝型油菜SLG基因片段的克隆及序列分析. 作物学报, 2008, 34 (5): 764-769 6. 柯丽萍,郑滔,吴学龙,陈锦清,祝水金. 甘蓝型油菜柱头特异启动子的克隆和序列分析. 农业生物技术学报, 2007, 15(2):257-262 7. Ke L P, Sun Y Q, Hong D F, Liu P W, Yang G S. Identification of AFLP markers linked to one recessive genic male sterility gene in oilseed rape, Brassica napus L. Plant Breeding, 2005, 124: 367-370 8. Ke L P, Sun Y Q, Liu P W, Yang G S. Identification of AFLP fragments linked to one recessive genic male sterility (RGMS) in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) and conversion to SCAR markers for marker-aided selection. Euphytica, 2004, 138 (2): 163-168 9. Fu WF, Shen Y, Hao J, Wu Jy, Ke LP, Wu CY, et al. Acyl-CoA N-acyltransferase influences fertility by regulating lipid metabolism and jasmonic acid biogenesis in cotton. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 11790.
