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1981.8-1984.6 辽宁省凌源市第一高中; 1984.9-1988.7 天津大学应用化学系高分子专业获工学学士学位; 1988.9-1991.3 天津大学化学系高分子材料专业获得工学硕士学位; 1991.3-1996.12 中国化工部天津化工研究院任工程师; 1996.12-2002.3 日本北海道大学地球环境科学研究所获博士学位; 2002.3-2007.12 日本日生BIO株式会社北海道研究所任主任研究员; 2008.1-2009.10 日本近畿大学分子工学研究所汉高先端技术研发中心任研究员; 2009.10-至今 浙江理工大学任教授。


热固性树脂可逆固化反应及其控制:热固性树脂广泛用于复合材料、涂料、粘接剂等领域,我们的关心聚焦于热固性树脂相关的两类可逆反应,(1)设计和研究可修复热固性树脂中的可逆反应,(2)低温下可长期保存,高温下快速固化的热潜伏性固化体系; 生物基高分子材料:利用天然可再生绿色资源制备高分子材料,用于取代难降解、耗资源的石油基高分子材料,为创造可持续发展社会探索理论技术基础; 天然高分子材料改性及应用:壳聚糖、纤维素、DNA等天然高分子分别具有合成高分子不可比拟的优良特性,我们致力于利用这些天然高分子制备各种环境友好材料以及环境修复材料。


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Xi, G. H.; Wang, J.; Luo, G. Y.; Zhu, Y. H.; Fan, W. C.; Huang, M. Q.; Wang, H. Q.; *Liu, X. D., Healable superhydrophobicity of novel cotton fabrics modified via one-pot mist copolymerization. Cellulose 2016, 23 (1), 915-927. Fan, W. C.; Zhu, Y. H.; Xi, G. H.; Huang, M. Q.; *Liu, X. D., Wear-resistant cotton fabrics modified by PU coatings prepared via mist polymerization. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2016, 133 (7), 43024. Xi, G. H.; Xiu, Y. L.; Wang, L.; *Liu, X. D., Antimicrobial N-halamine coatings synthesized via vapor-phase assisted polymerization. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2015, 132 (15), 41824. Xi, G. H.; Fan, W. C.; Wang, L.; *Liu, X. D.; Endo, T., Fabrication of asymmetrically superhydrophobic cotton fabrics via mist copolymerization of 2,2,2-trifluoroethyl methacrylate. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2015, 53 (16), 1862-1871. Sun, J. Q.; Wei, W.; Xu, Y. Z.; Qu, J. H.; *Liu, X. D.; Endo, T., A curing system of benzoxazine with amine: reactivity, reaction mechanism and material properties. Rsc Advances 2015, 5 (25), 19048-19057. Qu, J. H.; Hou, X. L.; Fan, W. C.; Xi, G. H.; Diao, H. Y.; *Liu, X. D., Scalable lithography from Natural DNA Patterns via polyacrylamide gel. Scientific Reports 2015, 5, 17872. Zhao, C. H.; Wan, S. J.; Wang, L.; *Liu, X. D.; Endo, T., Carbonyldiimidazole-Accelerated Efficient Cure of Epoxidized Soybean Oil with Dicyandiamide. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2014, 52 (3), 375-382. Wang, L.; Xi, G. H.; Wan, S. J.; Zhao, C. H.; *Liu, X. D., Asymmetrically superhydrophobic cotton fabrics fabricated by mist polymerization of lauryl methacrylate. Cellulose 2014, 21 (4), 2983-2994. Wan, S. J.; Wang, L.; Xu, X. J.; Zhao, C. H.; *Liu, X. D., Controllable surface morphology and properties via mist polymerization on a plasma-treated polymethyl methacrylate surface. Soft Matter 2014, 10 (6), 903-910. Wang, C. F.; Zhao, C. H.; Sun, J. Q.; Huang, S. Q.; *Liu, X. D.; Endo, T., Synthesis and thermal properties of a bio-based polybenzoxazine with curing promoter. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2013, 51 (9), 2016-2023. *Liu, X. D.; Zhao, C. H.; Sudo, A.; Endo, T., Storage stability and curing behavior of epoxy-dicyandiamide systems with carbonyldiimidazole-Cu (II) complexes as the accelerator. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2013, 51 (16), 3470-3476. Wang, C. F.; Sun, J. Q.; *Liu, X. D.; Sudo, A.; Endo, T., Synthesis and copolymerization of fully bio-based benzoxazines from guaiacol, furfurylamine and stearylamine. Green Chemistry 2012, 14 (10), 2799-2806. *Liu, X. D.; Sudo, A.; Endo, T., Efficient accelerating effect of carbonyldiimidazole on epoxy-dicyandiamide curing system. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2011, 49, 250-256. Liu, X. D.; Kimura, M.; Sudo, A.; Endo, T., Accelerating effects of N-aryl-N‘,N’-dialkyl ureas on epoxy-dicyandiamide curing system. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2010, 48, 5298-5305. *Liu, X. D.; Kubo, T.; Diao, H. Y.; Benjamas, J.; Yonemichi, T.; Nishi, N., DNA/polyvinyl alcohol interpenetrating polymer network as stationary phase for thin layer chromatography. Analytical Biochemistry 2009, 393 (1), 67-72. *Liu, X. D.; Diao, H. Y.; Nishi, N., Applied chemistry of natural DNA. Chemical Society Reviews 2008, 37 (12), 2745-2757. Liu, X. D.; Yamada, M.; Matsunaga, M.; Nishi, N., Functional Materials Derived from DNA. Advances in Polymer Science 2007, 209, 149-178.
