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教育经历/工作经历 1999年9月-2003年7月,南京林业大学森环院林学专业,本科 2003年9月-2006年7月,南京林业大学森环院植物学专业,硕士 2007年9月-2010年7月,新疆农业大学草环学院草业科学专业,博士 2010年7月-2012年8月,新疆农业大学草业与环境科学学院,讲师 2012年9月-至今,新疆农业大学草业与环境科学学院,副教授 获奖情况 1、博士学位论文“短命植物异果芥异形果实与种子的生态适应对策”荣获2010年度自治区“优秀博士学位论文”,并入选2012年“全国优秀博士学位论文提名论文” 2、学术论文“Fruit and seed heteromorphism in the cold desert annual ephemeral Diptychocarpus strictus (Brassicaceae) and possible adaptive significance”荣获2010年度第十一届自治区自然科学优秀学术论文“一等奖” 3、学术论文“Trade-offs between seed dispersal and dormancy in an amphi-basicarpic cold desert annual”荣获2014年度第十三届自治区自然科学优秀学术论文“二等奖” 4、2013年入选新疆维吾尔自治区“天山英才工程”第二层次人才 5、2016年荣获新疆维吾尔自治区“青年科技奖”




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1、Lu JJ, Tan DY, Baskin CC, Baskin JM. 2017. Delayed dehiscence of pericarp: role in germination and in retention of viability of seeds of two cold desert annual species of Brassicaceae. Plant Biology. doi:10.1111/plb.12457. 2、Lu JJ, Tan DY, Baskin CC, Baskin JM. 2016. Effects of germination season on life history traits and on transgenerational plasticity in seed dormancy in a cold desert annual. Scientific Reports 6: 25076. 3、Lu JJ, Tan DY, Baskin JM, Baskin CC. 2015. Post-release fates of seeds in dehiscent and indehiscent siliques of the diaspore heteromorphic species Diptychocarpus strictus (Brassicaceae). Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 17: 255―262. 4、Lu JJ, Zhou YM, Tan DY, Baskin JM, Baskin CC. 2015. Seed dormancy in six cold desert Brassicaceae species with indehiscent fruits. Seed Science Research 25: 276―285. 5、Zhou YM, Lu JJ, Tan DY, Baskin JM, Baskin CC. 2015. Seed germination ecology of the cold desert annual Isatis violascens (Brassicaceae): two levels of physiological dormancy and role of the pericarp. PLoS ONE 10(10): e0140983.(并列第一作者) 6、Lu JJ, Tan DY, Baskin JM, Baskin CC. 2014. Effect of seed morph, season of germination and watering regime on phenotypic plasticity of life history traits in a cold desert annual. PLoS ONE 9: e102018. 7、Lu JJ, Tan DY, Baskin JM, Baskin CC. 2014. Two kinds of persistent soil seed banks in an amphi-basicarpic cold desert annual. Seed Science Research 24: 293―300. 8、Lu JJ, Tan DY, Baskin JM, Baskin CC. 2013. Trade-offs between seed dispersal and dormancy in an amphi-basicarpic cold desert annual. Annals of Botany 112: 1815―1827. 9、Lu JJ, Ma WB, Tan DY, Baskin JM, Baskin CC. 2013. Effects of environmental stress and nutlet morph on proportion and within-flower number-combination of morphs produced by the fruit-dimorphic species Lappula duplicicarpa (Boraginaceae). Plant Ecology 214: 351―362. 10、Lu JJ, Tan DY, Baskin JM, Baskin CC. 2012. Phenotypic plasticity and bet-hedging in a heterocarpic winter annual/spring ephemeral cold desert species of Brassicaceae. Oikos 121: 357―322. 11、Lu JJ, Tan DY, Baskin JM, Baskin CC. 2010. Fruit and seed heteromorphism in the cold desert annual ephemeral Diptychocarpus strictus (Brassicaceae) and possible adaptive significance. Annals of Botany 105: 999―1014. 12、Nur Mihray, Baskin CC, Lu JJ, Tan DY, Baskin JM. 2014. A new type of non-deep physiological dormancy: evidence from three annual Asteraceae species in the cold deserts of Central Asia. Seed Science Research 24: 301―314. 13、Nurulla M, Baskin CC, Lu JJ, Tan DY, Baskin JM. 2014. Intermediate morphophysiological dormancy allows for life-cycle diversity in the annual weed, Turgenia latifolia (Apiaceae). Australian Journal of Botany 64:930-937. 14、Baskin JM, Lu JJ, Baskin CC, Tan DY, Wang L. 2014. Diaspore dispersal ability and degree of dormancy in heteromorphic species of cold deserts of northwest China: A review. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 16: 93―99. 15、Baskin JM, Lu JJ, Baskin CC, Tan DY. 2013. The necessity for testing germination of fresh seeds in studies on seed heteromorphism as a bet-hedging strategy. Seed Science Research 23: 83―88. 16、Sun HZ, Lu JJ, Tan DY, Baskin JM, Baskin CC. 2009. Dormancy and germination characteristics of the trimorphic achenes of Garhadiolus papposus (Asteraceae), an annual ephemeral from the Junggar Desert, China. South African Journal of Botany 75: 537―545.
