1. Mei-Ying Lü, Bao-Wei Wang, Jian Xu, On sums of degrees of the partial quotients in continued fraction expansions of Laurent series, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 380 (2011), 807-813.(SCI)
2. Mei-Ying Lü, Metric properties and exceptional sets of beta-continued fractions of Laurent series, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 83 (2013), 1-19.(SCI)
3. Mei-Ying Lü, Diophantine approximation and Beta-expansions over the field of formal Laurent series, J. Approx. Theory, 174 (2013), 140-147.(SCI)
4. Mei-Ying Lü, A note on Engel series expansions of Laurent series and Hausdorff dimensions, J. Number Theory, 142(2014), 44-50.(SCI)
5. Mei-Ying Lü, A remark on small fractional parts of polynomials,Math. Appl., 24(4) (2011), 821-825.