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Liao, W.B.*, Zhong M.J. & Lupold, S. 2019. Sperm quality and quantity evolve through different selective processes in the Phasianidae. Scientific Reports, accept. Yu, J.P., Liu, W., Mai, C.L. & Liao, W.B. 2019. Genome size variation is associated with life-history traits in birds. Journal of Zoology, accept. Mai, C.L., Liao, W.B.*, Kotrschal, A. & Lupold, S. 2019. Frogs with relatively larger brains spawn in denser and more male-biased groups. American Naturalist, accept. Cai, Y.L., Mai, C.L. & Liao, W.B.* 2019. Frogs with denser group-spawning mature later and live longer. Scientific Reports, 9: 13776. Huang, C.H., Zhong, M.J. & Liao, W.B.* & Kotrschal, A. 2019. Investigating the role of body size, ecology, and behavior in anuran eye size evolution. Evolutionary Ecology, 33(2): 585-598. Yu, X., Zhong, M.J., Li, D.Y., Jin, L., Liao, W.B*. & Kotrschal, A. 2018. Large-brained frogs mature later and live longer. Evolution, 72(5): 1174-1183 Liao, W.B., Huang, Y., Zeng, Y., Zhong, M.J., Luo, Y. & Lüpold, S. 2018. Ejaculate evolution in external fertilizers: Influenced by sperm competition or sperm limitation? Evolution, 72(1): 4-17. Wang, J.Y. & Liao, W.B.* 2018. Digest: Ontogenesis and evolutionary allometry shape divergent evolution of genitalia in female cetaceans. Evolution, 72(3): 404-405. Jin, L., Yu, J.P., Yang Z.J., Merilä, J. & Liao, W.B.* 2018. Modulation of gene expression in liver of hibernating Asiatic toads (Bufo gargarizans). International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19: 2363. Huang, C.H., Yu, X. & Liao, W.B.* 2018. The expensive-tissue hypothesis in vertebrates: Gut microbiota effect, a review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19: 1792. Lüpold, S., Jin, L. & Liao, W.B.* 2017. Population density drives differential investment in pre- and postmating sexual traits in frogs. Evolution, 71: 1686-1699. Luo, Y., Zhong, M.J., Huang, Y., Li, F., Liao, W.B.* & Kotrschal, A. 2017. Seasonality and brain size are negatively associated in frogs: evidence for the expensive brain framework. Scientific Reports, 7: 16629. Mai, C.L., Liao, J., Zhao, L., Liu, S.M. & Liao, W.B. (2017a) Brain size evolution in the frog Fejervarya limnocharis does neither support the cognitive buffer nor the expensive brain framework hypothesis. Journal of Zoology, 302: 63-72. Zeng, Y., Lou, S.L., Liao, W.B.*, Robert, J. & Kotrschal, A. 2016. Sexual selection impacts brain anatomy in frogs and toads. Ecology and Evolution, 6: 7070-7079. Liao, W.B.*, Lou, S.L., Zeng, Y. & Kotrschal, A. 2016. Large brains, small guts: The expensive tissue hypothesis supported in anurans. American Naturalist, 188: 693-700. Guo, B.C., Lu, D., Liao, W.B.* & Merilä, J. 2016. Genome-wide scan for adaptive differentiation along altitudinal gradient in the Andrew's toad Bufo andrewsi. Molecular Ecology, 25: 3884-3900. Liao, W.B.*, Luo, Y., Lou, S.L., Lu, D. & Jehle, R. 2016. Geographic variation in life-history traits: growth season affects age structure, egg size and clutch size in Andrew’s toad (Bufo andrewsi). Frontiers in Zoology, 13: 6. Jin, L., Yang, S.N., Liao, W.B.* & Lupold, S. 2016. Altitude underlies variation in the mating system, somatic condition and investment in reproductive traits in male Asian grass frogs (Fejervarya limnocharis). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 70: 1197-1208. Liao, W.B.*, Lou, S.L., Zeng, Y. & Merilä, J. 2015. Evolution of anuran brains: disentangling ecological and phylogenetic sources of variation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 28: 1986-1996. Jiang, A., Zhong, M.J., Yang, R.L., Liao, W.B.* & Jehle, R. 2015. Seasonality and age is positively related to brain size in Andrew’s toad (Bufo andrewsi). Evolutionary Biology, 42: 339-348. Liao, W.B.*, Liu, W.C. & Merilä, J. 2015. Andrew meets Rensch: Sexual size dimorphism and the inverse of Rensch’s rule in Andrew’s toad (Bufo andrewsi). Oecologia, 177: 389-399. Zeng, Y., Lou, S.L., Liao W.B.* & Jehle, R. 2014. Evolution of sperm morphology in anurans: insights into the roles of mating system and spawning locations. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 14: 104. Liao, W.B.*, Lu, X. & Jehle R. 2014. Altitudinal variation in reproductive investment and trade-off between egg size and clutch size in the Andrew's Toad (Bufo andrewsi). Journal of Zoology, 293: 84-91.
