男,汉族,湖南隆回人,三级教授,博士,博士生导师, 重庆市科技创新领军人才,重庆市巴渝学者特聘教授,重庆市无机功能材料重点实验室主任,重庆市高校优秀人才,重庆市高级专业技术职务评委会评委,重庆师范大学领军人才(首批2人), 无机化学硕士点学术带头人。
2001.9—2004.6 广西师范大学化学化工学院,攻读生物无机化学硕士
2004.6—2005.9 玉林师范学院化生系任教,讲师
2005.9—2008.6 苏州大学化学化工学院,攻读无机化学博士
2008.12 晋升为副教授
2009.11 担任玉林师范学院无机化学与材料所所长
2008.8—2009.9 中国科学院福建物质结构所从事博士后工作
2010.7 被广西民族大学聘为研究生导师
2010.9 被广西师范大学聘为研究生导师
2009.10—2012.6 晋升为教授,玉林师范学院化学与材料学院院长
主要研究方向为无机合成与材料化学、配位聚合物、主族硫属化合物的溶剂热合成及性能研究,研究成果在国内外著名学术杂志上发表SCI论文100多篇,包括《Coord. Chem. Rev.》(IF = 13.324)、《J. Am. Chem. Soc.》(IF = 13.858)、《Chem. Commun.》(IF = 6.319)、《Chem. Eur. J.》 (IF = 5.317)、《Inorg. Chem.》(IF = 4.857)、《Cryst. Growth Des.》(IF = 4.055)、《Dalton Trans.》(IF =4.029)、《CrystEngComm》(IF = 3.474)等。已主持了国家自然科学基金3项、教育部重点基金1项、中国博士后基金1项、重庆自然科学基金2项、重庆高等学校优秀人才资助计划1项、广西高等学校优秀人才资助计划1项、广西自然科学基金1项和广西教育科学基金3项。
Shimei Tang, J. Zhou(周健),* Hua-Hong Zou, Xing Liu,and Li Zhang, A Series of Lanthanide Selenidogermanates: The FirstCoexistence of Three Types of Selenidogermanate Units in the Same Architecture,Inorg. Chem. 2018, 57, 1242−1250.
J. Zhou,* Hong Xiao, Hua-Hong Zou, and XingLiu, A New Type of Three-Dimensional Hybrid Polymeric Haloplumbate Based onRare High-Nuclear Heterometallic Clusters, Inorg. Chem. 2018,DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.8b02069.
Hai-Ying Luo and J. Zhou,* A series of newhybrid selenidostannates with metal complexes prepared in alkylol amines, DaltonTrans., 2018, 47, 14751–14759.
Hong Xiao, J. Zhou,* Xing Liu, HongpingXiao, Rute A. S. Ferreira, Luís D. Carlos c and Lianshe Fu, A novel 3-D cuprousiodide polymer with a high Cu/I ratio, Dalton Trans., 2018,47, 3253–3257.
Hong Xiao, J. Zhou,* and Xing Liu, Two new3-D cadmium bromoplumbates: the only example of heterometallic bromoplumbatebased on crown [Cd(Pb4O4)Br2] clusters, DaltonTrans., 2018, 47, 4833–4839.
Hong Xiao, J. Zhou,* and Feilong Hu, Twonew oxyiodoplumbates: the unique 3-D hybrid oxyiodoplumbate based on neutral2-D [Pb2I4]n layers, Dalton Trans., 2018, 47,8442–8447.
Xiao-Feng Tan, J. Zhou,* Hua-Hong Zou,Lianshe Fu, and Qiuling Tang, A Series of Lanthanide−Germanate OxoClusters Decorated by 1,10-Phenanthroline Chromophores, Inorg. Chem.2017, 56,10361.
J. Zhou,* Hong Xiao, Hua-Hong Zou and XingLiu, A novel 2-D Mn selenidostannate(IV) incorporating high-nuclear Mn clusterswith spin canting behavior, Dalton Trans., 2017, 46, 16009.
J. Zhou,* Hua-Hong Zou, Rongqing Zhao,HongXiao and Qingran Ding, A unique dysprosium selenoarsenate(III) exhibiting aphotocurrent response and slow magnetic relaxation behavior, Dalton Trans.,2017, 46, 342–346.
Qiuling Tang, J. Zhou,* Filipe A. AlmeidaPaz, Lianshe Fu, Hong Xiao, Qi Zhou and Ju Li, A novel 3-D photoluminescentcuprous chloride polymer based on bifunctional imidazolate/tetrazolate bridges,Dalton Trans., 2017, 46, 1372–1376.
Xiao-Feng Tan, J. Zhou,* Lianshe Fu,Hong-Ping Xiao, Hua-Hong Zou and Qiuling Tang, A series of new lanthanidefumarates displaying three types of 3-D frameworks, Dalton Trans.,2016, 45, 5253–5261.
J. Zhou,* Xiaofeng Tan, Feilong Hu, Hua-HongZou, Filipe A. Almeida Paz, Lianshe Fu and Rongqing Zhao, A 3-D net based onweak metallophilic (Cu⋯Cu) interactions, Dalton Trans., 2016, 45,11292–11296.
J. Zhou,* Synthesis of heterometallicchalcogenides containing lanthanide and group 13–15 metal elements, Coord. Chem. Rev. 2016, 315,112–134.
Rong-Qing Zhao, XingLiu, J. Zhou,* Hong-Ping Xiao, Hua-Hong Zou, Lianshe Fu, Qiuling Tangand Xiao-Feng Tan, The first examples of 1-D organic hybridlanthanoid thioarsenates based on two [AsVS4]3-linkage modes, Dalton Trans.2016, 45, 6015-6022.
J. Zhou,* Xiao-Feng Tan, Xing Liu, Miao Qing,Rong-Qing Zhao and Qiuling Tang, A series of new manganese thioarsenates(V)based on different unsaturated [Mn(amine)x]2+complexes, Dalton Trans. 2015, 44, 16430–16438.
J. Zhou,*Rong-Qing Zhao, Tao Yang, Xing Liu, Hong-Ping Xiao, Hua-Hong Zou and Xiao-FengTan, A series of new lanthanoid thioarsenates: insights into the influence oflanthanide contraction on the formation of new lanthanoid thioarsenates, DaltonTrans., 2015, 44,7203.
Hong-PingXiao, J. Zhou,* Rong-Qing Zhao, Wei-bing Zhang and Yong Huang, A seriesof lanthanoid selenidoantimonates(V): rare examples of lanthanoidselenidoantimonates based on dinuclear lanthanide complexes, Dalton Trans.,2015, 44, 6032
J. Zhou,* Hong Xiao, Hong-Ping Xiao, Tao Yang,Hua-Hong Zou, Xing Liu, Rong-Qing Zhao and Qiuling Tang, Two types oflanthanide selenidostannates(IV) first prepared under the same solvothermalconditions, Dalton Trans., 2015, 44, 1350