副教授,硕士生导师,从事给排水理论教学和废水生物处理理论教学与科研工作。主持或参与国家自然科学基金项目、江苏省自然科学基金项目等项目10余项。在Chemical Engineering Journal、Bioresource Technology、Science of The Total Environment、Chemosphere等国内外期刊发表论文70多篇,申请国家专利20多项,授权11项。
1. 2013年12月:江南大学,环境工程,博士
2. 2020年12月:香港大学,博士后
Application of polypyrrole modified cathode in bio-electro-Fenton coupled with microbial desalination cell (MDC) for enhanced degradation of methylene blue. Journal of Power Sources, 2018, 400:350–359.
Fast start-up of the cold-anammox process with different inoculums at low temperature (13 °C) in innovative reactor. Bioresource Technology, 2018
Simultaneous treatment of sulfate wastewater and domestic sewage with micro-aeration. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2018
Performance and microbial characterization of two-stage caproate fermentation from fruit and vegetable waste via anaerobic microbial consortia. Bioresource Technology, 2019
nhanced Anaerobic Mixed Culture Fermentation with Anion-Exchange Resin for Caproate Production. Processes,2019
Characterization of the start-up of single and two-stage Anammox processes with real low-strength wastewater treatment. Chemosphere,2019
Feasibility of applying intermittent aeration and baffles for achieving granular nitritation in a continuous short-cut denitrifying phosphorus removal system. Science of The Total Environment,2020
New insights on biological nutrient removal by coupling biofilm-based CANON and denitrifying phosphorus removal (CANDPR) process: Long-term stability assessment and microbial community evolution. Science of The Total Environment,2020, 730:138952
Achieving Simultaneous Biological Nutrient Removal and Sludge Minimization From Marine Ship Sewage Based on An Innovative Landscape Integrated Ecological Treatment System (LIETS). Ecological Engineering, 2020
Comparing nitrite-limited and ammonium-limited anammox processes treating low-strength wastewater: Functional and population heterogeneity. Chemosphere,2020, 127290
Enhancement of Nitrite Production via Addition of Hydroxylamine to Partial Denitrification (PD) Biomass: Functional Genes Dynamics and Enzymatic Activities. Bioresour. Technol.,2020,318,124274.
A novel denitrifying phosphorus removal and partial nitrification, anammox (DPR-PNA) process for advanced nutrients removal from high-strength wastewater. Chemosphere, 2020,265, 129165.
Development of A Novel Denitrifying Phosphorus Removal and Partial Denitrification Anammox (DPR+PDA) Process for Advanced Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal from Domestic and Nitrate Wastewaters. Bioresource Technology, 2020,124795.
A novel simultaneous partial nitrification and denitratation (SPND) process in single micro-aerobic sequencing batch reactor for stable nitrite accumulation under ambient temperature.Chemical Engineering Journal,2021,425, 130646.
Hydroxylamine Metabolism in Mainstream DEnitrifying AMmonium OXidation (DEAMOX) Process: Achieving Fast Start-up and Robust Operation with Bio-augmentation Assistance under Ambient Temperature.Journal of Hazardous Materials,2021, 126736.