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[1] A modified Cobb-Douglas production function model and its application. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics,2014,7 [2] Application of a combination production function model. Applied Mathematics and Computation,2014,6 [3] Least absolute integral method of data fitting based on algorithm of simulated annealing and neural network, Mathematics and Computer Science,2016,9 [4]A new class of production function model and its application, Journal of Systems Science and Information,2016,4 [5] A generalized constant elasticity of substitution production function model and its application, Journal of Systems Science and Information,2016,6 [6] Generalized GM(1,1) Model and Its Application, Journal of Grey System,2017,7 [7] Parameter estimation of a composite production function model based on improved artificial fish swarm algorithm and model application, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation,2017,12 [8] Application of a New Superposition CES Production Function Model, Journal of Systems Science and Information,2017,10 [9] An Overlapped Constant Elasticity of Substitution Production Function Model and Its Application, Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics,2018,2 [10] Parameter Estimation of a Mixed Production Function Model Based on Improved Firefly Algorithm and Model Application, Journal of Systems Science and Information,2018,8 [11] On the improvement of the parameter estimation of the grey model GM(1,1) and model application, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation,2018,10 [12] Modeling and Application of Grey Model GM (2,1) Based on Linear Difference Equation , Journal of Grey System,2019,4 [13] A Grey CES Production Function Model and Its Application in Calculating the Contribution Rate of Economic Growth Factors, COMPLEXITY ,2019,2 [14] APPLICATION OF A MODIFIED CES PRODUCTION FUNCTION MODEL BASED ON IMPROVED FIREFLY ALGORITHM, JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND MANAGEMENT OPTIMIZATION, 2019 (in press). [15] Improved methods for parameter estimation of gray model GM(1,1) based on new background
