2009.1-2013.3 美国路易斯安那州立大学医学院健康科学研究中心,细胞与解剖学
(Louisiana State Univ, Health Sciences Center. Cell Biology and Anatomy)
2005.8—2009.1 美国北卡罗来纳州立大学动物系(North Carolina State Univ.)
2001.8—2005.5 天津南开大学生命科学学院
2018.1-至今 天津医科大学基础医学院免疫教研室副教授
1.“Outstanding Teacher in North Carolina State University in 2006 and 2007” (2006及2007年度美国北卡州立大学杰出青年教师)。
2.“Great Chinese Teacher in North Carolina State Chinese Study Group” (北卡州中文学校杰出教师)。
3.“Outstanding young research award” at the 11th International Workshop on Developmental Nephrology, 2010 (2010年国际肾脏发育会议杰出青年科学家奖)
4.“Outstanding Poster” at the graduate research day of Louisiana State Univ, Helath Science Center, 2010 (2010年路易斯安那州立大学医学院杰出科研海报)
5.“Travel grant” of the 14thXenopus Meeting at 2012 (2012年爪蟾研究大会研习基金获得者)
1.White JT, Zhang B, Cerqueira DM, Tran U, Wessely O. (2010) WT1 and Foxc2 are Master Regulators of the Podocyte Gene Regulatory Network in Xenopus. Development.2010; 137(11): 1863-73. (2010,SCI收录,IF=6.208)(第二作者)
2.Zhang B, Tran U, Wessely O. (2011) Expression of Wnt Signaling Components during Xenopus Pronephros Development. PLoS One. 2011; 6(10). ( 2011,SCI收录,IF=3.73)(第一作者)
3.Romaker D, Zhang B and Wessely O. (2012) An Immunofluorescence Method to Analyze the Proliferation Status of Individual Nephron Segments in the XenopusPronephric Kidney.Methods Mol Biol. 2012; 886: 121-32. ( 2012,SCI收录)(第二作者)
4.Zhang B, Romaker D, Fissel N and Wessely O. (2013) Gnas Regulates Proximal Tubule Development via PKA and Rapgef4 Dependent Signaling Pathway. Development Biology. 2013; 376: 31-42. (2013,SCI收录,IF=3.868)(第一作者)
5.Zhai L, Sun N, Zhang B, Liu ST, Zhao Z, Jin HC, Ma XL, Xing GY. Effects of focused extracorporeal shock wave on the bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in patients with avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. 2016,42(3):753-762. (2016,SCI收录,IF=2.214)(第三作者)
6.Zhai L, Sun N, Han Z, Jin HC, Zhang B*. Liposomal short-chain C6 ceramide induces potent anti-osteosarcoma activity in vitro and in vivo. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (BBRC). 2015,468(1-2):274-280. (2015,SCI收录,IF=2.297)(通讯作者)
7.Sun N, Zhai L, Li H, Shi LH, Yao Z, Zhang B*. Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor (ACEI)-Mediated Amelioration in Renal Fibrosis Involves Suppression of Mast Cell Degranulation.,Kidney Blood Press Res. 2016,41(1):108-118. (2016,SCI收录,IF=2.123)(通讯作者)
8.Zhi L, Gao Y, Yu C, Zhang Y, Zhang B, Yang J, Yao Z. N-cadherin Aided in Maintaining the Characteristics of Leukemic Stem Cells. Anat Rec (Hoboken). 2016. 299: 990-998. (2016, SCI收录, IF=1.542)(并列第一作者)
9.Zhai L, Ma XL, Jiang C, Zhang B, Liu ST, Xing GY. Human autologous mesenchymal stem cells along with extracorporeal shock wave therapy for nonunion of long bones. Indian Journal of Orthopaedics. 2016. 50(5):543-550. (2016,SCI收录,IF=0.64) (第四作者)
10.Wang Q, Zhang B, Che Xuchun. Effect of human adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells on metastasis of breast cancer. China Medical Herald. 13(18) 2016 (中文核心)(第二作者)
11.Zhang B*, Sun N, Mu X, Zhi L, Zhai L, Jiang Y, Yao Z. Gαs promotes cell proliferation of renal cell carcinoma with involvement of PKA signaling. DNA and Cell Biology. 2017.36(3)1-6. (2017,SCI收录,IF=2.574) (第一作者以及通讯作者)
12.Zhang B, Tran U, Wessely O. (2018) Polycystin-1 loss-of-Function is directly linked to imbalanced G-Protein signaling in the kidney. Development. 2018. (2018,SCI收录,IF=5.843) (第一作者)
13.Mu X, Chen MH, Xiao B, Yang B, Zhang B*.EZH2 Confers Sensitivity of Breast Cancer Cells to Taxol by Attenuating P21 Expression Epigenetically. Submitted to DNA and Cell Biology. (2019,SCI收录,IF=2.574) (通讯作者)