2002.9-2006.7 江苏师范大学,本科,应用数学专业
2006.9-2009.7 江苏师范大学,硕士研究生,方向:大规模科学与工程计算方向
2012.9-2016.7 华东师范大学,博士研究生,方向:数值代数
2014.9-2015.2 美国堪萨斯大学,国家公派博士联合培养
2016.6至今 江南大学,理学院,讲师
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[3] Hongxiu Zhong, Gang Wu, Guoliang Chen, A flexible and adaptive simpler block GMRES with deflated restarting for linear systems with multiple right-hand sides, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 282, 139-156, 2015.
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[5] Hongxiu Zhong, Guoliang Chen, Xiangyun Zhang, Solutions of a quadratic inverse eigenvalue problem for damped gyroscopic second-order systems, J. Appl. Math., 2014.
[6] Hongxiu Zhong, Gang Wu, Thick restarting the weighted harmonic Arnoldi algorithm for large interior eigenproblems, Int. J. Comput. Math., 88(5), 994-1012, 2011.