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汤玥,中国药科大学药学院药剂系副教授,硕士生导师,2014-2015年度美国康奈尔大学访问学者,曾任药物制剂研究所实验室主任,中国药学会会员,中国颗粒学会会员,学术兼职包括International Journal of Pharmaceutics审稿人,《药物生物技术》审稿专家, Journal of Clinical Trials & Patenting编辑。


汤玥,中国药科大学药学院药剂系副教授,硕士生导师,2014-2015年度美国康奈尔大学访问学者,曾任药物制剂研究所实验室主任,中国药学会会员,中国颗粒学会会员,学术兼职包括International Journal of Pharmaceutics审稿人,《药物生物技术》审稿专家, Journal of Clinical Trials & Patenting编辑。


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[1] Yue Tang, Jiabi Zhu. Recombinant human interleukin-2 inhalation powders: Preparation and distribution characteristics in lung epithelial lining fluid and alveolar macrophage in rats. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2008, 360: 225-227. [2] Liqun Jiang, Yue Tang*, Hongjiu Zhang, Xifeng Lu, Xijing Chen and Jiabi Zhu. Importance of powder residence time for the aerosol delivery performance of a commercial dry powder inhaler aerolizer®, Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery. 2012, 25 (5): 265-279. [3] Yue Tang*, Heyang Zhang, Xifeng Lu, Liqun Jiang, Xinyuan Xi, Jianping Liu, Jiabi Zhu. Development and evaluation of a dry powder formulation of liposome-encapsulated oseltamivir phosphate for inhalation. Drug Delivery. 2015, 22 (5): 608-618. [4] Heyang Zhang, Yuwen Xie, Yue Tang*, Suhui Ni, Bo Wang, Zhen Chen, Xuejing Liu. Development and characterization of thermo-sensitive films containing asiaticoside based on polyvinyl alcohol and Methylcellulose. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 2015, 30 (Part A):133-145. [5] Suhui Ni, Yuwen Xie, Yue Tang*, Yun Liu, Jing Chen, Siyan Zhu. Nebulized anionic guanidinylated O-carboxymethyl chitosan/N-2-hydroxypropyltimehyl ammonium chloride chitosan nanoparticles for siRNA pulmonary delivery: preparation, characterization and in vtro evaluation. Journal of Drug Targeting, 2017, 25(5):451-462. [6] Suhui Ni, Yun Liu, Yue Tang*, Jing Chen, Shuhan Li, Ji Pu, Lidong Han. GABAB receptor ligand-directed trimethyl chitosan/tripolyphosphate nanoparticles and their pMDI formulation for survivin siRNA pulmonary delivery. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2018, 179:135-144.
