马飞,男,汉族,1968年6月生,博士,教授,博士生导师。主要从事比较基因组学与生物信息学研究。2001年7 月毕业于南京农业大学,获农业昆虫与害虫防治专业博士学位。2001年9月至2003年8月,清华大学生物信息研究所博士后。现为南京师范大学生命科学院教授。任江苏省动物学会理事,江苏省生物医学工程学会生物信息学专业委员会成员,美国遗传学会会员。2007年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才, 2010年入选南京师范大学青蓝工程中青年学术带头人, 2011年度荣获南京师范大学“优秀教师奖”。已主持国家自然科学基金、教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”、863计划专题、973计划子课题以及国家转基因生物新品种培育重大科技专项子课题10余项。在Molecular Biology and Evolution, Bioinformatics, BMC Evolutionary Biology, FEBS Letters, Developmental & Comparative Immunology, Fish & Shellfish Immunology, Mutation Research等国际重要学术刊物上发表SCI收录论文50余篇。参编学术著作和教材三部。获省部级自然科学和科技进步奖各一项。已申请国家发明专利1项。
1. microRNA的进化与功能研究
2. 比较基因组学(Comparative Genomics)
3. 生物信息学(Bioinfomatics)
1. Li S, Li Y, Shen L, Jin P, Chen L, Ma F. miR-958 inhibits Toll signaling and Drosomycin expression via directly targeting Toll and Dif in Drosophila melanogaster. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol., 2017, 312(2):C103-C110.
2. Li Y, Li S, Li R, Xu J, Jin P, Chen L, Ma F. Genome-wide miRNA screening reveals miR-310 family members negatively regulate the immune response in Drosophila melanogaster via co-targeting Drosomycin. Dev Comp Immunol., 2017, 68:34-45.
3. Li S, Shen L, Sun L, Xu J, Jin P, Chen L, Ma F. Small RNA-Seq analysis reveals microRNA-regulation of the Imd pathway during Escherichia coli infection in Drosophila. Dev Comp Immunol., 2017, 70:80-87.
4. Li Y, Li S, Jin P, Chen L, Ma F. miR-11 regulates pupal size of Drosophila melanogaster via directly targeting Ras85D. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol., 2017, 312(1):C71-C82.
5. Wei G, Qin S, Li W, Chen L, Ma F. MDTE DB: A Database for MicroRNAs Derived from Transposable Element. IEEE/ACM Trans Comput Biol Bioinform., 2016, 13(6): 1155-1160.
6. Song X, Du J, Zhu W, Jin P, Ma F. identification and characterization of an apoptosis stimulating protein p53 (ASPP) gene from branchiostoma belcheri insights in evolution of ASPP gene family. Fish Shellfish Immunol., 2016, 49:268-74.
7. Yin D, Li W, Fu M, Chen L, Ma F, Jin P. Identification and characterization of a TAB1 gene involved in innate immunity of amphioxus (Branchiostoma belcheri). Gene, 2016, 575:294-302.
8. Qin S, Ma F, Chen L. Gene regulatory networks by transcription factors and microRNAs in breast cancer. Bioinformatics, 2015, 31(1):76-83.
9. Qin S, Jin P, Zhou X, Chen L, Ma F. The Role of Transposable Elements in the Origin and Evolution of MicroRNAs in Human. PLoS One, 2015, 10(6):e0131365.
10. Yu S,Cai X ,Wu C,Wu L,Wang Y,LiuY,Yu Z,Qin S,Ma F,Thiery J P,Chen L.Adhesion glycoprotein CD44 functions as an upstream regulator of a network connecting ERK, AKT and Hippo-YAP pathways in cancer progression. Oncotarget,2015,6(5):2951-2965.
11. Zhu J, Cai L, Zhang T, Chen L, Jin P, Ma F. Identification and characterization of a p38-like gene from amphioxus (Branchiostoma belcheri): An insight into amphioxus innate immunity and evolution. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2014, 41: 421-427.
12. Cai Lu, Zhu Jiu, Yin Denghua, Chen Liming, Jin Ping, Ma F. Identification and characterization of complement factor H in Branchiostoma belcheri,Gene,2014,553(1):42-48.
13. Song X, Cai L, Li Y, Zhu J, Jin P, Chen L, Ma F. Identification and Characterization of transforming growth factor β induced gene (TGFBIG) from Branchiostoma belcheri: Insights into evolution of TGFBI family. Genomics, 2014, 103:147-153.
14. Wu L, Wang Y, Liu Y, Yu S, Xie H, Shi X, Qin S, Ma F, Tan T Z, Thiery J P, Chen L. A central role for TRPS1 in the control of cell cycle and cancer development. Oncotargets, 2014, 5(17): 7677-7690.
15. Han M, Qin S, Song X, Li Y, Jin P, Chen L, Ma F. Evolutionary rate patterns of genes involved in the Drosophila Toll and Imd signaling pathway. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2013, 13:245.
16. Song X, Hu J, Jin P, Chen L, Ma F. Identification and evolution of an NFAT gene involving Branchiostoma belcheri innate im-munity. Genomics, 2013, 102(4): 355-362.
17. Jin P, Hu J, Qian J, Chen L, Xu X, Ma F. Genomic characterization, phylogeny and expression analysis of a putative lipopolysaccharide-induced TNF-α factor (LITAF) gene homologue from Amphioxus (Branchiostoma belcheri). Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2012,32:1223-1228.
18. Jin P, Cai R, Li-Ling J, Ma F. Features of missense/nonsense mutations in exonic splicing enhancer sequences from cancer-related human genes. Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 2012, 740:6-12.
19. Song X, Jin P, Qin S, Chen L, Ma F. The evolution and origin of animal Toll-like receptor signaling pathway revealed by network-level molecular evolutionary analyses. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7(12): e51657.
20. Jin P, Qin S, Chen X, Song Y, Li-Ling J, Xu X, Ma F. Functional Divergence and Evolutionary Rate of Human Tissue-specific Genes Are Related with Transposable Element Insertions. Genetica, 2012, 140(10-12):513-23.