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1988年硕士毕业于南京大学生物系 1988~1991年工作于中科院南京地理与湖泊研究所 1995年南京大学生物系博士毕业 2000~2002年法国国家科学研究中心细菌化学研究所(L.C.B.- C.N.R.S)做博士后 1995年至今工作于南京师范大学生命科学学院。


(1)微藻与水环境:研究水生态系统中微藻, 特别是形成水华的有毒有害蓝藻的生理生态,探索水华发生规律,为有毒蓝藻的控制提供理论基础。(2)蓝藻细胞学研究:探索蓝藻细胞的重要代谢过程及机理;以蓝藻作为表达反应器,表达外源有用基因。(3) 微藻资源的利用:筛选各种具有应用前景的微藻,探索大量培养的方法。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Li,S.S.J.H. Li*,M.S. Xia,H. Zhang, Adsorption of nitrogen and phosphorus by intact cells and cell wall polysaccharides of Microcystis XW01. J Appl Phyco 25:1539–1544. 2013 2. Wang, Y.W., J. Zhao, J.H. Li*, S.S. Li, L.H. Zhang, M. Wu, Effects of calcium levels on colonial aggregation and buoyancy of Microcystis aeruginosa. Curr Microbiol 62:679–683. 2011 3. Hua, X.H., J.H. Li*, J.J. Li, L.H. Zhang, Y. Cui, Selective inhibition of the cyanobacterium, Microcystis, by a Streptomyces sp. Biotechnol Lett 31:1531-1535. 2009 4. Cui, Y., J.H. Li*, J.J. Li, J. Wang, Y.P. Weng,A heterotrophic nanofagellate grazing on the toxic cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. Ann Limnol (Int J Lim), 45 (1):1-6. 2009 5. Li J.H., S. Laurent, V. Konde and C.C. Zhang,An increase in the level of 2-oxoglutarates heterocyst development in the cyanobacterium Anabaena PCC 7120. Microbiology 149:3257-3263. 2003 6. Lei S., J.H. Li, Y. Cheng, L. Wang, W. L. Chen, C.C. Zhang, Two genes encoding protein kinases of the HstK family are involved in synthesis of the minor heterocyst- specific glycolipid in the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120. J Bacteriol 189 (14): 5075-81. 2007 7. Phalip V., J.H. Li and C.C. Zhang,HstK, a cyanobacterial protein with both a Ser/Thr kinase domain and a His-kinase domain: implication for the mechanism of signal transduction. Biochem J 360, 639-644. 2001
