李宏,男,浙江湖州人,博士,教授,中国动物学会动物生理生态学分会秘书长和专业委员会委员、中国动物学会两栖爬行学分会专业委员会委员,第八届世界两栖爬行动物学大会(The 8th World Congress of Herpetology)秘书,中国动物学会生物进化理论委员会会员,江苏省动物学会监事,南京师范大学“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师。主要从事爬行动物进化生理生态学方面的研究,具体涉及爬行动物表型适应性进化、卵胎生进化、种群遗传分化和环境因子对表型变异的影响以及动物认知行为学等领域,已在Proceedings of the Royal Society B, American Naturalist, Oecologia,Evolutionary Ecology和Aquaculture等SCI期刊上发表30余篇,博士论文获2011年度江苏省优秀博士学位论文奖,获第六届全国动物生理生态学学术研讨会优秀青年动物生理生态学者奖,主持包括国家自然科学基金,教育部高校博士点基金,江苏省自然科学基金和江苏省水产三新工程项目等在内的多项科研项目。
Li, H., and Wiens, J. J. 2019. Time explains regional richness patterns within clades more often than diversification rates or area. American Naturalist. 193:514–529.
†Chen, L., Liang, S.-Y., Nian, R., Li, H., Li, P., Qu, Y.-F., Wu, T., Meng, Q.-G., and Ji, X. 2018. Molecular cloning and characterization of the cathepsin L gene in Pelodiscussinensis and its expression in response to bacterial challenge. Aquaculture Research. 49:3071–3082.
Li, H.,Elphick M., and Shine, R. 2017. Potential targets for selection during the evolution of viviparity in cold-climate reptiles. Oecologia. 183: 21–30.
Li, H.,Holleley C.E., Elphick M., Georges A., and Shine, R. 2016. The behavioural consequences of sex reversal in dragons. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 283(1832): 20160217.
Li, H., Zhou, Z.-S., Wu, Ting., Wu, Y.-Q., and Ji, X. 2013. Do fluctuations in incubation temperature affect hatchling quality in the Chinese soft-shelled turtle Pelodiscussinensis? Aquaculture. 406/407: 91–96.
Li, H., Zhou, Z.-S., Ding, G.-H., and Ji, X. 2013. Fluctuations in incubation temperature affect incubation duration but not morphology, locomotion and growth of hatchlings in the sand lizard Lacerta agilis (Lacertidae). Acta Zoologica (Stockholm). 94: 11–18.
Li, H., Wang, Z., Chen, C., and Ji, X. 2012. Does the variance of incubation temperatures always constitute a significant selective force for origin of reptilian viviparity? Current Zoology. 58: 812–819.
Li, H., Qu, Y.-F., Ding, G.-H., and Ji, X. 2011. Life-history variation with respect to the experienced thermal environments in a lizard, Eremiasmultiocellata (Lacertidae). Zoological Science, 28: 332–338.
Li, H., Mao, L.-X., Shi, L.-Q., and Ji, X. 2010. Many-lined sun skinks (Mabuyamultifasciata) shift their thermal preferences downwards when fasted. Asian Herpetological Research, 1: 36–39.
Li, H.,Qu, Y.-F., Hu, R.-B., and Ji, X. 2009. Evolution of viviparity in cold-climate lizards: testing the maternal manipulation hypothesis. Evolutionary Ecology, 23: 777–790.
Li, H., Wang, Z., Men, W.-B., and Ji, X. 2009. Temperature acclimation affects thermal tolerance and preference in three species of Eremias lizards (Lacertidae). Current Zoology, 55: 258–265.
Li, H., Ji, X., Qu, Y.-F., Gao, J.-F., and Zhang, L. 2006. Sexual dimorphism and female reproduction in the multi-ocellated racerunner, Eremiasmultiocellata (Lacertidae). Acta ZoologicaSinica, 52: 250–255.