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韩管助,教授、博士生导师,国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金获得者。主要从事病毒进化以及病原与宿主间互作进化方面的研究工作,共发表SCI收录论文40余篇,其中作为通讯作者在Molecular Biologyand Evolution、PLOS Pathogens、Journalof Virology、Trendsin Microbiology、New Phytologist、Plant Physiology等国际主流期刊发表论文30余篇。相关研究工作多次获得Nature Reviews Microbiology、Trends in Plant Science、Plant Physiology等国际主流期刊的评述或推荐。 教育和工作经历 2015至今:南京师范大学,生命科学学院,教授 2010-2014:美国Universityof Arizona,生态与进化生物学专业,博士 2005-2009:山东师范大学,生物技术专业,学士


由病毒引发的流行病正严重地威胁着全球公共卫生安全以及社会经济发展。理解病毒进化对于病毒流行病的监测、防控以及预测具有十分重要的意义。我们实验室在进化生物学框架下整合了野外采样、分子生物学、进化分析和理论算法开发等方法来研究病毒进化和多样性以及病原与宿主间互作的进化。主要研究内容包括: 病毒进化和多样性 新发流行病起源和进化 病原与宿主间互作的进化 分子进化和进化基因组学


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Wang J, Gong Z, Han GZ*. (2019). Convergent co-option of retroviral gag gene during the early evolution of mammals. Journal of Virology 93: e00542-19. Han GZ*. (2019). Origin and evolution of the plant immune system. New Phytologist222: 70-83. Xu X, Zhao H, Gong Z, Han GZ*. (2018). Endogenous retroviruses of non-avian/mammalianvertebrates illuminate diversity and deep history of retroviruses. PLOS Pathogens14: e1007072. Gong Z, Han GZ*. (2018). Insect retroelements provide novel insights into the origin of hepatitis B viruses. Molecular Biology and Evolution35: 2254-2259. Gong Z, Han GZ*. (2018). Euphyllophyte paleoviruses illuminate hidden diversity and macroevolutionary mode of Caulimoviridae. Journal of Virology 92:e02043-17. Gao Y, Wang W, Zhang T, Gong Z, Zhao H, Han GZ*. (2018). Out of water: the origin and early diversification of plant R-genes. Plant Physiology 177:82-89. Wang C, Liu Y, Li S*, Han GZ*. (2015). Insights into the origin and evolution of plant hormone signaling machinery. Plant Physiology 167: 872-886. Han GZ*, Worobey M*. (2015). A primitive endogenous lentivirus in a colugo: insights into the early evolution of lentiviruses. Molecular Biology and Evolution 32:211-215. Worobey M*, Han GZ, Rambaut A*. (2014). A synchronized global sweep of the internal genes of modern avian influenza virus. Nature 508: 254-257. Worobey M*, Han GZ, Rambaut A. (2014). The genesis and pathogenesis of the 1918 influenza pandemic. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America111:8107-8112. Han GZ*, Worobey M*. (2012). An endogenous foamy-like viral element in the coelacanth genome. PLOS Pathogens 8:e1002790. Han GZ*, Worobey M*. (2012). Endogenous lentiviral elements in the weasel family (Mustelidae). Molecular Biology and Evolution 29: 2905-2908. Han GZ*, Worobey M*. (2012). An endogenous foamy virus in the aye-aye (Daubentoniamadagascariensis). Journal of Virology 86: 7696-7698.
