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教育经历 1994.9 -- 1997.7 河南南阳市二中 > 普通高中毕业 2001.9 -- 2004.7 河南师范大学 > 原子与分子物理 > 理学硕士学位 > 硕士研究生毕业 2001.9 -- 2004.7 河南师范大学 > 原子与分子物理 > 理学硕士学位 > 硕士研究生毕业 1997.9 -- 2001.7 河南师范大学 > 物理学教育 > 理学学士学位 > 大学本科毕业 工作经历 2007.5 -- 2009.8 南洋理工大学应用物理系 2009.8 -- 至今 南京航空航天大学理学院


光学,具体包括光电热功能材料的设计与性能表征,设计不同光电热等性能优异的新型微纳米元器件。 凝聚态物理 微纳光子学,研究贵金属纳米颗粒或阵列的光学及光伏、光热特性。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.C. L. Du, Y. M. You, Z. H. Ni, J. Kasim, and Z. X. Shen, Confocal white light reflection imaging for characterization of nanostructures, Invited book chapter, Photonics, ISBN 978-953-307-927-1, Intech. 2. Yang WC, Chen YX, Fu TY, Peng S, Du CL (通讯作者), Lu YG, and Shi DN, The cross-section shape-dependent responses of S and FOM of individual Au nanorod sensors, Appl. Phys. A-Mate Sci & Proc , 2019, 125(5):345. 3. Du CL, Yang WC,Peng S, and Shi DN, Optimal geometry parameter for plasmonic sensitivities of individual Au nanopoarticle sensors, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21 (14): 7654-7660. 4.ChaoLing Du, Sheng Peng , WanChun Yang, and DaNing Shi, Plasmonic Coupling Effects on the Refractive Index Sensitivities of Plane Au-Nanosphere-Cluster Sensors, Plasmonics 2018, 13(5): 1729-1734. 5.ChaoLing Du, WanChun Yang, Sheng Peng, and DaNing Shi, Nano-thick-dielectric encapsulation effects on the refractive-index sensitivities of Ag plane-nanosphere-cluster sensors, Modern Physics Letters B, 2018, 32 (8): 1850080. 6.Peng, Sheng; Du, ChaoLing(通讯作者); Shi, DaNing. Geometry and near-field coupling effects on the refractive-index sensitivities of individual Ag nanoparticle sensors Appl. Phys. A-Mate Sci & Proc 2017, 123 (11): 672. 7.Huang, Mingli; Zhang, Yufeng; Du, Chaoling(通讯作者);. Plasmon Peak Sensitivity Investigation of Individual Cu and Cu@Cu2O Core-Shell Nanoparticle Sensors, Plasmonics 2016, 11 (5): 1197-1200 8.C. L. Du, B. Wang, F. Sun, M. L. Huang, C. J. He, and D. N. Shi. Refractive index sensitivities of plane Ag nanosphere cluster sensors [J]. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2015, 215: 142-145. 9.C. L. Du, M. L. Huang, T. Chen, and D. N. Shi. Linear or quadratic plasmon peak sensitivities for individual Au/Ag nanosphere sensors [J], Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2014, 203: 812-816. 10.C. L. Du, J. P. Dong, T. Chen, C. J. He, D. N. Shi, Dielectric Nanocup Coating Effect on the Resonant Optical Properties of Individual Au Nanosphere, Plasmonics, 8 (2013) 1523-1527. 11.C. L. Du, C. J. Du, Y. M. You, C. J. He, J. Luo, D. N. Shi, Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering from Individual Au Nanoparticles on Au Films, Plasmonics, 7 (2012) 475-478. 12.C. L. Du, J. Kasim, Y. M. You, D. N. Shi, Z. X. Shen, Enhancement of Raman scattering by individual dielectric microspheres, Journal of Raman Spectrascopy. 45 (2011) 145-148. 13.C. L. Du, C. J. Du, Y. M. You, Y. Zhu, S. L. Jin, C. J. He, S. N. Shi, Numerically investigating the enhanced Raman scattering performance of individual Ag nanowire tips, APPLIED OPTICS, 50 (2011) 4922-4926. 14.C. L. Du, Y. M. You, and Z. X. Shen, Polarized SERS study of an individual Ag nanowire with bulb humps, Optics Communics. 284 (2011) 5844-5846. 15.C. L. Du, T. Chen, Y. Zhu, H. L. Hu, D. N. Shi, H. Y. Chen, Z. X. Shen, Individual Ag Nanowire Dimer for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering, Plasmonics, 6 (2011) 761-766. 16.C. L. Du, Y. M. You, J. Kasim, X. J. Zhang, Z. X. Shen, Near-field coupling effect between individual Au nanospheres and their supporting SiO2/Si substrate, Plasmonics 5 (2009) 105-109. 17.C. L. Du, Y. M. You, J. Kasim, T. Yu, Z. X. Shen, Polarization-dependent confocal photoluminescence imaging of Ag nanorods and nanoparticles, Plasmonics, 4 (2009) 217-222. 18.C. L. Du, M. X. Yang, Y. M. You, H. Y. Chen, Z. X. Shen, Individual polymer-encapsulated Ag nanoparticles for Surface enhanced Raman scattering, Chemical Physics Letters, 473 (2009) 317-320. 19.C. L. Du, Y. M. You, J. Kasim, Z. H. Ni, T. Yu, C. P. Wong, H. M. Fan, Z. X. Shen, Confocal white light reflection imaging for characterization of metal nanostructures, Optics Communications, 281 (2008) 5360-5363. 20.C. L. Du, Z. B. Gu, Y. M. You, J. Kasim, T. Yu, Z. X. Shen, Z. H. Ni, Y. Ma, G. X. Cheng, Y. F. Chen, Resonant Raman spectroscopy of (Mn,Co)-codoped ZnO films, Journal of Applied Physics, 103 (2008) 023501.
