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教育经历 2001.92004.6 北京大学基础数学理学博士学位 1991.91994.6 湖北大学学科教学论理学硕士学位 1982.91985.7 黄冈师范专科学校数学无学位 工作经历 2004.8至今 南京航空航天大学 2001.92004.5 北京大学 2000.92001.6 北京大学 1991.91994.5 湖北大学 1985.52000.8 黄冈师范学院 1982.91985.5 黄冈师范学院




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[1]曹喜望,Xu, Shanding,Xu, Guangkui等.Optimal FHSs and DSSs via near zero-difference balanced functions.DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS,2018,247:433-447 [2]曹喜望,Luo, Gaojun.Complete weight enumerators of three classes of linear codes.Cryptography Commun.,2018,10(6):1091-1108 [3]曹喜望,Luo, Gaojun.Five classes of optimal two-weight linear codes.Cryptography Commun.,2018,10(6):1119-1135 [4]曹喜望,Luo, Gaojun.A construction of linear codes and strongly regular graphs from q-polynomials.DISCRETE MATHEMATICS,2017,340(9):2262-2274 [5]曹喜望,Xu, Shanding,曹喜望,Tang, Chunming等.A Method to Enlarge the Design Distance of BCH Codes and Some Classes of Infinite Optimal Cyclic Codes.Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.,2018,10726LNCS:518-528 [6]曹喜望.Two constructions of approximately symmetric informationally complete positive operator-valued measures.JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS,2017,58(6) [7]曹喜望,Mi, Jiafu.Asymptotically good quasi-cyclic codes of fractional index.DISCRETE MATHEMATICS,2018,341(2):308-314 [8]曹喜望.Two new constructions of approximately SIC-POVMs from multiplicative characters.QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING,2017,16(12) [9]曹喜望,Luo, Gaojun.New constructions of approximately SIC-POVMs via difference sets.ANNALS OF PHYSICS,2018,391:56-64 [10]曹喜望.MORE CONSTRUCTIONS OF NEAR OPTIMAL CODEBOOKS ASSOCIATED WITH BINARY SEQUENCES.ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS OF COMMUNICATIONS,2017,11(1):187-202 [11]曹喜望,顾晶晶.某些对角方程在有限域上的解数.数学年刊A辑(中文版),2018 [12]曹喜望.Quantum Codes from Hermitian Dual-Containing Cyclic Codes.International Journal of Computer Mathematics: Computer Systems Theory,2017 [13]曹喜望,Luo, Gaojun.New Constructions of Codebooks Asymptotically Achieving the Welch Bound.IEEE Int Symp Inf Theor Proc,2018,2018-June:2346-2350 [14]曹喜望,Xu, Guangkui,Xu, Shanding.Several Classes of Quadratic Ternary Bent, Near-Bent and 2-Plateaued Functions.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE,2017,28(1):1-18 [15]曹喜望,Xu, Guangkui,Xu, Guangkui,曹喜望等.Two classes of p-ary bent functions and linear codes with three or four weights.CRYPTOGRAPHY AND COMMUNICATIONS-DISCRETE-STRUCTURES BOOLEAN FUNCTIONS AND SEQUENCES,2017,9(1):117-131特刊:SI [16]曹喜望,Xu, Shanding,Tang, Chunming.A Kind of Disjoint Cyclic Perfect Mendelsohn Difference Family and Its Applications in Strictly Optimal FHSs.2017 EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON SIGNAL DESIGN AND ITS APPLICATIONS IN COMMUNICATIONS (IWSDA),2017:79-83 [17]曹喜望,Luo, Gaojun,Luo, Gaojun,曹喜望等.Binary linear codes with two or three weights from niho exponents.CRYPTOGRAPHY AND COMMUNICATIONS-DISCRETE-STRUCTURES BOOLEAN FUNCTIONS AND SEQUENCES,2018,10(2):301-318 [18]曹喜望.由交织技术构建新的最优跳频序列族.工程数学学报,2017 [19]曹喜望,Luo, Gaojun,Xu, Guangkui等.A new class of optimal linear codes with flexible parameters.DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS,2018,237:126-131 [20]曹喜望,王玉琨.x~N ±a在有限域上的完全分解.数学进展,2018
