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从事飞行器设计方面的研究,包括结构计算力学、复合材料结构设计、CAD/CAE一体化等方向,受国家自然科学基金面上及青年基金、江苏省自然科学基金青年基金等项目的资助,入选2017江苏双创博士,发表SCI论文十余篇,包括计算力学顶级期刊CMAME以及IJNME,曾被选为期刊封面,授权发明专利2项。讲授《飞机结构设计-英文》、《航空航天概论》、《工程设计工具-CATIA》等课程,指导的学生发表了多篇高水平论文,获得过国家奖学金等荣誉。详细信息参见个人主页https://sites.google.com/site/nuaayujieguo/以及ResearcherID. 主要研究工作: 1. CAD/CAE一体化 2. 结构计算力学 结构屈曲 高效等几何非线性壳单元 结构动力学 3. 结构拓扑优化 教育经历 2011.92016.1荷兰代尔夫特理工大学航空结构与计算力学工学博士学位 2008.92011.6东南大学机械制造及自动化工学硕士学位 2004.92008.6南京工程学院机械设计工学学士学位 2001.92004.6江苏省高邮中学 专利 郭玉杰.基于CAD剪裁曲面的板壳结构设计分析一体化方法:ZL201710218396.0[p]. 郭玉杰.一种无参数估计的薄壁结构等几何多片拼接方法:ZL201610619693.1[p]. 科研项目 基于精确几何缺陷描述的壳体概率屈曲研究 基于等几何方法的复杂薄壁壳体结构CAD/CAE无缝融合关键问题研究 授课信息 航空航天力学前沿 /2020-2021 /春学期 /40课时 /0.0学分 /018K0010.01 航空航天概论 /2020-2021 /春学期 /22课时 /0.0学分 /011J0010.09 工作经历 2016.2至今南京航空航天大学航空学院


结构计算力学 等几何分析 结构稳定性、结构动力学、结构优化 复合材料结构及多功能结构



查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1] Yujie Guo*, Jason Heller, Thomas J.R. Hughes, Martin Ruess, Dominik Schillinger, Variationally consistent isogeometric analysis of trimmed thin shells at finite deformations, based on the STEP exchange format, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2018, 336: 39-79. [2] Yujie Guo*, Zhihui Zou, Martin Ruess, Isogeometric multi-patch analyses for mixed thin shells in the framework of non-linear elasticity, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2021, 113771. [3] Yujie Guo*, Martin Ruess, Nitsche's method for a coupling of isogeometric thin shells and blended shell structures, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2015, 284: 881-905. [4] Yujie Guo*, Huy Q. Do, Martin Ruess*, Isogeometric stability analysis of thin shells: From simple geometries to engineering models, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2019, 118: 433-458. [5] Yujie Guo, Martin, Ruess, Dominik Schillinger*, A parameter-free variational coupling approach for trimmed isogeometric thin shells, Computational Mechanics, 2017, 59: 693-715. [6] Yujie Guo*, Global-local model coupling for composite shell structures in the framework of isogeometric analysis, Composite Structures, 2017, 176: 617-629. [7] Yujie Guo*, Martin Ruess, A layerwise isogeometric approach for NURBS-derived laminate composite shells, Composite Structures, 2015, 124: 300-309. [1]郭玉杰.Isogeometric multi-patch analyses for mixed thin shells in the framework of non-linear elasticity[J].Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,2021(380):113771 [2]Yujie Guo.Global-local model coupling for composite shell structures in the framework of isogeometric analysis.Composite Structures,2017,176:617-629 [3]Dominik Schillinger,Martin Ruess,Yujie Guo.A parameter-free variational coupling approach for trimmed isogeometric thin shells.Computational Mechanics,2017,59:693-715 [4]Martin Ruess,Huy Do,Yujie Guo.Isogeometric stability analysis of thin shells: from simple geometries to engineering models[J].International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,2019,118:433-458 [5]Martin Ruess,Yujie Guo.Nitsche's method for a coupling of isogeometric thin shells and blended shell structures[J].Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,2015,284:881-905 [6]Dominik Schillinger,Martin Ruess,T.J.R. Hughes等.Variationally consistent isogeometric analysis of trimmed thin shells at finite deformations, based on the STEP exchange format[J].Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,2018,336:39-79


2019.9至今 担任世界计算力学大会 (14th WCCM - ECCOMAS 2020) - "Strength, fatigue and stability of composite structures"分会场组织者,国际先进材料与结构力学会议 (ICMAMS 2019) 计算力学分会场共同主席 2016.1至今 担任计算力学顶级期刊《Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering》,《International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering》,复合材料期刊《Composite Structures》等审稿人
