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2006,12-现在:南京航空航天大学 工作 讲师、副教授;其中, 2010,7-10:香港理工大学项目研究员(Project Fellow) 2006,2-2006,8:大连理工大学 土木水利学院 工作 讲师 2004,12-2006,2:香港理工大学 工作 副研究员(Research Associate) 1994,9-2004,11:大连理工大学 工程力学系 学习 (本科、硕博连读) 其中 2002,9-2003,3 香港理工大学 工作 助理研究员(Research Assistant) 2003,6-2004,6 香港理工大学 工作 助理研究员(Research Assistant)




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. LI FENGZHI and TU QIANG, THE SCALED BOUNDARY FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF SEEPAGE PROBLEMS IN MULTI-MATERIAL REGIONS [J] International Journal of Computational Methods 2012, 9(1) 1240008:1-12 (SCI收录) 2. 李凤志,王鹏飞,涂强,等.相变服装对人体动态热感觉影响模型 [J]. 南京航空航天大学学报,2011,43(2):262-267. (EI收录) 3. Li Fengzhi, Wang Pengfei and Li Yi, Numerical simulation of heat and moisture transfer in system of human-clothing with phase-change materials-environment [J] Applied Mechanics and Materials 2011,88-89: 470-474. (EI收录) 4. Li Fengzhi, Li Yi and Lin Mouguang, 3D simulation of heat and moisture transfer in human-clothing-environment system [J] Applied Mechanics and Materials 2011,88-89: 475-480. (EI收录) 5. Li Fengzhi SCALED BOUNDARY FINITE-ELEMENT AND SUBSTRUCTURE ANALYSIS ON THE SEEPAGE PROBLEMS, Modern Physics Letters B 24 (13) (2010): 1491-1494 (SCI收录) 6. Li Fengzhi, Numerical Simulation for Effects of Microcapsuled Phase Change Material (MPCM) Distribution on Heat and Moisture Transfer in Porous Textiles, Modern Physics Letters B: 23 (3)(2009): 501-504. (SCI收录) 7. 李凤志,渗流自由面分析的比例边界有限元法,计算物理,2009,5:669-670;(EI收录) 8. 李凤志,李毅等,求解织物热湿耦合方程的控制体积-时域递归展开算法,南京航空航天大学学报,2009,41(3):319-323;(EI收录) 9. 李凤志,朱云飞,织物-多种相变材料微胶囊复合材料热特性数值研究,南京航空航天大学学报,2009,41(4):456-460; (EI收录) 10. 李凤志,吴成云,李毅, 附加相变微胶囊多孔织物热湿传递模型研究,大连理工大学学报,2008,48(7):162-167;(EI收录) 11. 李凤志,吴成云,李毅,相变微胶囊半径及含量对织物热湿性能影响数值研究,应用基础与工程科学学报 2008,16 (5): 671-678. (EI收录) 12. Li Fengzhi, Li Yi, A computational analysis for effects of fiber hygroscopicity on heat and moisture transfer in textiles with PCM microcapsules Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 15 (3)(2007)223-235. (SCI、EI收录) 13. 李凤志, 刘迎曦,罗钟铉,李毅 一种着装人体动态热湿传递模拟方法 计算力学学报 2006 23(4):429-433 (EI收录) 14. 李凤志, 刘迎曦,罗钟铉,李毅 织物结构参数对人体热响应的数值分析 大连理工大学学报 2006 46(5):647-651 (EI收录) 15. Li Fengzhi, Li Yi, Effect of clothing material on thermal responses of human body, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 13(2005)809-827. (SCI、EI收录) 16. Li Yi, Li Fengzhi, Zhu Qingyong Numerical simulation of virus diffusion in facemask during breathing cycles Int. J. of Heat and Mass transfer, 48(2005)4229-4242. (SCI、EI收录) 17. Li Fengzhi, Li Yi, Liu Yingxi, et al., Numerical Simulation of Coupled Heat and Mass Transfer in Hygroscopic Porous Materials Considering the Influence of Atmospheric Pressure, Numerical heat transfer Part B 45 (3) (2004) 249-262. (SCI、EI收录) 18. Li Yi, Li Fengzhi, Liu Yingxi, Luo Zhongxuan An integrated model for simulating interactive thermal processes in human�clothing system, Journal of Thermal Biology (29) (2004) 567-575. (SCI、EI收录)
