D. Sun†, Y. Shi†(共同第一作者), B. Zhang, Dynamic Analysis of Planar Mechanisms With Fuzzy Joint Clearance and Random Geometry, Journal of Mechanical Design (2018). DOI: 10.1115/1.4042111.
Y. Shi†, P. Pei†, X. Cheng, Z. Yan, M. Han, Z. Li, C. F. Gao, J. A. Rogers, Y. Huang and Y. Zhang, An analytic model of two-level compressive buckling with applications in the assembly of free-standing 3D mesostructures, Soft Matter (2018). 14: 8828-8837.
P. Pei†, Y. Shi†,*, G. Yang, C. Gao, Fracture Analyses of Soft Materials with Hard Inclusion, Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transaction of the ASME (2018). 85: 111003.
D. Sun, B. Zhang, Y. Shi, Robust optimization of constrained mechanical system with joint clearance and random parameters using multi-objective particle swarm optimization, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (2018): 1-12
L. Qi, Y. Shi, J. Liu, C. Gao, Effect of Maxwell stress on a moving crack with polarization saturation region in ferroelectric solid, Meccanica (2018). 53: 3037-3045.
M. Humood, Y. Shi, M. Han, J. Lefebvre, Z. Yan, M. Pharr, Y. Zhang, Y. Huang, J. A. Rogers, A. A. Polycarpou, Fabrication and deformation of three-dimensional multilayered kirigami micro-structures, Small (2018). 14: 1703852.
Z. Yan, M. Han, Y. Shi, A. Badea, Y. Yang, A. Kulkarni, E. Hanson, M. E. Kandel, X. Wen, F. Zhang, Y. Luo, Q. Lin, H. Zhang, X. Guo, Y. Huang, K. Nan, S. Jia, A. W. Oraham, M. B. Mevis, J. Lim, X. Guo, M. Gao, W. Ryu, K. J. Yu, B. G. Nicolau, A. Petronico, S. S. Rubakhin, J. Lou, P. M. Ajayan, K. Thornton, G.l Popescu, D. Fang, J. V. Sweedler, P. V. Braun, H. Zhang, R. G. Nuzzo, Y. Huang, Y. Zhang and J. A. Rogers, Three-dimensional mesostructures as high-temperature growth templates, electronic cellular scaffolds, and self-propelled microrobots. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2017). 114.
Y. Shi and Y. Wang, Shape effects of the traction–separation law on the global response of the dynamic fracture for pipeline steels. Acta Mechanica, (2017). :1-10.
Y. Shi, F. Zhang, K. Nan, X. Wang, J. Wang, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, H. Luan, K. Hwang, Y. Huang, J. A. Rogers, and Y. Zhang, Plasticity-induced origami for assembly of three dimensional metallic structures guided by compressive buckling. Extreme Mechanics Letters (2017).11: 105–110.
J. Yuan, C. Dagdeviren, Y. Shi, Y. Ma, X. Feng, J. A. Rogers, Y. Huang, Computational models for the determination of depth-dependent mechanical properties of skin with a soft, flexible measurement device. Proceedings of the Royal Society A (2016), 472: 20160225.
C. Dagdeviren, P. Joe, O. L. Tuzman, Kwi-Il Park, K. J. Lee, Y. Shi, Y. Huang and J. A. Rogers, Recent progress in flexible and stretchable piezoelectric devices for mechanical energy harvesting, sensing and actuation. Extreme Mechanics Letters (2016), 9: 269–281.
J. Yuan†, Y. Shi†(共同第一作者), M. Pharr, X. Feng, J. A. Rogers, and Y. Huang, A mechanics model for sensors imperfectly bonded to the skin for determination of the Young’s moduli of epidermis and dermis. Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transaction of the ASME (2016), online.
Z. Yan, F. Zhang, J. Wang, F. Liu, X. Guo, K. Nan, Q. Lin, M. Gao, D. Xiao, Y. Shi, Y. Qiu, H. Luan, J. H. Kim, Y. Wang, H. Luo, M. Han, Y. Huang, Y. Zhang and J. A. Rogers, Controlled Mechanical Buckling for Origami-Inspired Construction of 3D Microstructures in Advanced Materials. Advanced Functional Materials (2016).
Y. Shi, H. Luo, L. Gao, C. F. Gao, J. A. Rogers, Y. Huang, and Y. Zhang, Analyses of post-buckling in stretchable arrays of nanostructures for wide-band tunable plasmonics. Proceedings of the Royal Society A (2015). : 471: 20150632.
R. C. Webb, Y. Ma, S. Krishnan, Y. Li, S. Yoon, X. Guo, X. Feng, Y. Shi, M. Seidel, N. H. Cho, J. Kurniawan, J. Ahad, N. Sheth, J. Kim, J. G. Taylor VI, T. Darlington, K. Cheng, W. Huang, J. Ayers, A. Gruebele, R. M. Pielak, M. J. Slepian, Y. Huang, A. M. Gorbach and J. A. Rogers, Epidermal Devices for Non-Invasive, Precise and Continuous Mapping of Macrovascular and Microvascular Blood Flow. Science Advances (2015). 1:e1500701.
Y. Shi, C. Dagdeviren, J.A. Rogers, C. F. Gao, and Y. Huang, An Analytic Model for Skin Modulus Measurement via Conformal Piezoelectric Systems. Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transaction of the ASME (2015). 82: 091007.
J. W. Jeong, J. G. McCall, G. Shin, Y. Zhang, R. A. Hasani, M. Kim, S. Li, J.Y. Sim, K. I. Jang, Y. Shi, D. Y. Hong, Y. Liu, G. P. Schmitz, L. Xia, Z. He, P. Gamble, W. Z. Ray, Y. Huang, M. R. Bruchas and J. A. Rogers, Wireless Optofluidic Systems for Programmable In Vivo Pharmacology and Optogenetics. Cell (2015). 162:662-674.
C. Dagdeviren, Y. Shi, P. Joe, R. Ghaffari, G. Balooch, K. Usgaonkar, O. Gur, P. L. Tran, J. R. Crosby, M. Meyer, Y. Su, R. C. Webb, A. S. Tedesco, M. J. Slepian, Y. Huang, J. A. Rogers, Conformal Piezoelectric Systems for Clinical and Experimental Characterization of Soft Tissue Biomechanics. Nature Materials (2015). 14:728-736.
L. Gao, Y. Zhang, H. Zhang, S. Doshay, X. Xie, H. Luo, D. Shah, Y. Shi, S. Xu, H. Fang, J. A. Fan, P. Nordlander, Y. Huang, and J. A. Rogers, Optics and Nonlinear Buckling Mechanics in Large-Area, Highly Stretchable Arrays of Plasmonic Nanostructures. ACS Nano (2015). 9:5968-5975.
D. Sun, G. Chen, Y. Shi, T. Wang, R. Sun. Model reduction of a flexible multibody system with clearance. Mechanism and Machine Theory (2015). 85: 106-115.