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分别于1986、1991、1995年获西南交通大学应用数学理学学士、固体力学工学硕士和桥、隧及结构工程工学博士学位(导师:陈大鹏教授、陈虬教授),1997年底自西南交大力学博士后流动站出站(合作导师:孙训方教授)。 目前主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项。 已主持完成国家自然科学基金项目4项、教育部博士点基金和国家留学归国基金各1项、国家重点实验室基金项目3项。此外,作为主研人员,参予完成国家自然科学基金重点项目、重大研究计划和面上项目5项。 发表学术论文100余篇、论著1部。论文发表在:《Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser.A》、《ASME J. Appl. Mech.》、《Physical Review E》、《Chaos》、《Nonlinear Dynam.》、《J.Fluids & Struc.》、《力学学报》、《中国科学》等国际、国内学术期刊,其中SCI检索期刊论文90余篇。 教授过课程:“材料力学、弹性力学、塑性理论、板壳理论、高等代数、高等动力学”等本科生课程,“高等弹性理论、张量分析”等硕士生课程和“连续介质力学、随机信号分析”等博士生课程。 教育经历 [1] 1991.9-1995.5西南交通大学 | 桥梁与隧道工程 | 博士研究生毕业 | 工学博士学位 [2] 1988.9-1991.6西南交通大学 | 固体力学 | 硕士研究生毕业 | 工学硕士学位 [3] 1982.9-1986.7西南交通大学 | 应用数学 | 本科毕业 | 理学学士学位 工作经历 1997年6月―2000年5月:西南交通大学副教授; 2000年6月―2004年底:新加坡IHPC研究所和南洋理工大学(NTU) Research Scientist; 2004年6月至今:南京航空航天大学教授。 科研项目 [1] 重点实验室及相关设施基本科研业务费 [2] 重点实验室及相关设施基本科研业务费 [3] 机械结构力学及控制国家重点实验室运行经费 [4] 机械结构力学及控制国家重点实验室运行经费 [5] 基于大偏差理论的复杂随机动力学行为研究 [6] 噪声参激的一类余维二分叉系统分叉行为研究 [7] 随机扰动的非线性系统全局和局部动力学行为研究 [8] G1089-013-1 [9] 气动弹性系统的随机颤振机理研究 [10] 非线性气动弹性系统随机分岔行为研究


目前主要从事非线性随机动力学(Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamics):局部和全局随机分岔(Local and Global Stochastic Bifurcations)、噪声诱发混沌系统随机动力学行为(Stochastic Dynamical Behaviors of Chaotic Systems Induced by Noises)、随机颤振(Stochastic Flutter)、离出问题(Exit Problem)和随机共振(Stochastic Resonance)等方面的研究


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1. 非线性随机动力系统的稳定性和分岔研究, 力学进展, 1996, 26(4), 437-453. 2. Lyapunov exponents for two nonlinear systems driven by real noises, Proc.R.Soc.London, Ser.A, 2002, 458, 2705-2719. 3. The maximal Lyapunov exponent for a three-dimensional stochastic system, ASME J.Appl.Mech., 2004, 71, 677-690. 4. Controlling vibrational resonance in a multistable system by time delay, Chaos, 2010, 20(3), 033124-033127. 5. Center manifold reduction for the flutter of airfoils with gust loading, J.Fluids & Struc., 2012, 30, 133-140. 6. Moment Lyapunov exponent and stochastic stability of binary airfoil driven by non-Gaussian colored noise. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2012, 70, 1847–1859. 7. Moment Lyapunov exponent and stochastic stability for a binary airfoil driven by an ergodic real noise, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2013, 73(3), 1601-1614. 8. The moment Lyapunov exponent of a co-dimension two bifurcation system driven by non-Gaussian colored noise, Appl.Math.& Comp., 2016, 286, 189-200. 9. On the global analysis of a piecewise linear system that is excited by a Gaussian white noise, ASME J.Comp.& Nonlin.Dyn., 2016, 11, 051029. 10. Crossing the quasi-threshold manifold of anoise-driven excitable system, Proc.R.Soc.London, Ser.A, 2017, 473, 20170058. 11. Effects of distance-dependent delay on small-world neuronal networks, Physical Review E, 2016, 93, 042417. 12. The escape problem and stochastic resonance in a bistable system driven by fractional Gaussian noise, Physics Letters A, 2017,381(29), 2324-2336. 13. Analysis of a quintic system with fractional damping in the presence of vibrational resonance. Applied Mathematics and Computation 2018, 321: 780–793. 14. Noise induced escape in one-population and two-population stochastic neural networks with internal states, Chaos, 2019, 29, 023137. 15. 基于大偏差理论的随机动力学研究, 力学进展, 2020, 50(1) ( http://lxjz.cstam.org.cn/CN/Y2020/V50/I1/202010) 16. Bifurcation of singularities of fluctuational paths for a noise-driven overdamped two-well system. Chaos, (2021): 093110. 17. The determination of the activation energy for a Vibro-impact system under multiple excitations, Nonlinear Dynamics (2021): 06702-x. [1]刘先斌,刘先斌,刘先斌等.Measuring spike timing distance in the Hindmarsh-Rose neurons.COGNITIVE NEURODYNAMICS,2018 [2]刘先斌,刘先斌,刘先斌等.The escape problem and stochastic resonance in a bistable system driven by fractional Gaussian noise.PHYSICS LETTERS A,2017 [3]刘先斌,刘先斌,刘先斌等.Noise induced transitions and topological study of a periodically driven system.COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION,2017 [4]刘先斌,刘先斌,刘先斌等.On the Stochastic Dynamical Behaviors of a Nonlinear Oscillator Under Combined Real Noise and Harmonic Excitations.JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND NONLINEAR DYNAMICS,2017 [5]刘先斌,刘先斌,刘先斌等.Analysis of a quintic system with fractional damping in the presence of vibrational resonance.APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION,2018 [6]刘先斌,刘先斌,刘先斌等.Delay-induced locking in bursting neuronal networks.CHAOS,2017 [7]刘先斌,刘先斌,刘先斌等.Probability evolution method for exit location distribution.PHYSICS LETTERS A,2018 [8]刘先斌,刘先斌,刘先斌等.On the pth moment stability of the binary airfoil induced by bounded noise.CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS,2017 [9]刘先斌,刘先斌,刘先斌等.Crossing the quasi-threshold manifold of a noise-driven excitable system.PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES,2017 [10]刘先斌,刘先斌,刘先斌等.Singularities of fluctuational paths for an overdamped two-well system driven by white noise.PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS,2017
