1. Wei Dong,Rui Li, Baogang Xu,A note on strong edge coloring of sparse graphs.Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.)35(2019),no. 4, 577–582.
2. Rui Li,Biased judicious partition of graphs. (Chinese)Acta Math. Appl. Sin.41(2018),no. 4, 550–560.
3. RanGu*,Rui Li,On extremal hypergraphs for forests of tight paths,Appl. Math. Comput.,2018,325:291–296.
4. Muhuo Liu,Baolian Liu,Rui Li,The strong pseudochromatic number of a graph,Utilitas Mathematica,2015,98:3-21.
5. Rui Li*,Qing Cui,Spanning tree in subcubic graphs,ArsCombinatoria,2014,117(5):411-415.
6. Rui Li,Baogang Xu*,Injective choosability of planar graphs of girth five and six,Discrete Mathematics,2012,311(20):2158-2163.
7. Yanling,Sun,RuiLi,Total choosability of planar graphs with maximum degreefive. (Chinese)Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser. A27(2012),no. 4, 493–500.
8. Rui Li*,Baogang Xu,On a graph partition result of Kühn andOsthus,Ars Combinatoria,2012,103(1):491-495.
9.Rui Li*,Baogang Xu,Edge choosablity and total choosability oftoroidal graphs without intersecting triangles,ArsCombinatoria,2012,103(1):109-118.
10. Rui Li*,Baogang Xu,Edge choosablity and total choosability ofplanar graphs with no 3-cycles adjacent 4-cycles,DiscreteMathematics,2011,311(20):2158-2163.
11. Rui Li,Zhao Zhang, Super-mixed-connected line digraphs.Ars Combin.100(2011),493–499.
12.Rui Li*,Jixiang Meng,Reversals Cayley Graphs of Symmetric Groups,Information Processing Letters,2008,109(2):130-132.