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[1]A Novel Forming Method of Traditional Chinese Medicine Dispersible Tablets to Achieve Rapid Disintegration Based on the Powder Modification Principl[J].Scientific Reports, (2018) 8:10319 [2]Comparative study of microwave-vacuum and vacuum drying on the drying characteristics, dissolution, physicochemical properties, and antioxidant capacity of Scutellaria extract powder[J].Powder Technology 317 (2017) 430–437 [3]Comparative study of microwave-vacuum and vacuum drying on the physicochemical properties and antioxidant capacity of licorice extract powder[J].Powder Technology,320 (2017) 540–545 [4]Roles of cryo/thermal strength for redispersibility of drug nanocrystals: a representative study with andrographolide[J].Arch. Pharm. Res. (2016) 39:1404–1417. [5]The Roles of Vitrification of Stabilizers/Matrix Formers for the Redispersibility of Drug Nanocrystals After Solidification: a Case Study[J].AAPS PharmSciTech,2016,17(6):1274-1284. [6] Structural Stabilities and Transformation Mechanism of Rhynchophylline and Isorhynchophylline by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography/Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (UPLC/Q-TOF-MS) [J], Molecules, 2015, 20(8), 14849-14859. [7]An Effective Vacuum Assisted Extraction Method for the Optimization of Labdane Diterpenoids from Andrographis paniculata by Response Surface Methodology[J].Molecules, 2015, 20(1), 430-445 [8]The importance of solidi?cation stress on the redispersibility of solidnanocrystals loaded with harmine[J].International Journal of Pharmaceutics,480 (2015) 107–115 [9] Study on formability of solid nanosuspensions during solidi?cation: IInovel roles of freezing stress and cryoprotectant property[J].International Journal of Pharmaceutics,475 (2014) 35–48 [10] A novel high-pressure precipitation tandem homogenization technology for drug nanocrystals production–a case study with ursodeoxycholic acid[J].Pharmaceutical Development and technology,2014,19(6):662-70. [11]中药制剂质量均一性的现状问题及保证策略研究[J],中国中药杂志,2017,42(19):3826-3830 [12]3D 打印技术及其在中药固体制剂中的应用展望[J].中国医药工业杂志,2017,48(8):1093-1098 [13]中药浸膏干燥工艺现状及存在的问题分析[J].中草药,2017,48(12):2365-2370 [14]中药制粒工艺及其设备的研究概况[J].中国医药工业杂志,2016,47(3):341-346. [15]中药丸剂干燥工艺、装备应用现状及问题分析[J].中草药,2016,47(13):2365-2372. [16]制备工艺对中药浸膏物理性质影响的研究现状[J].中国医药工业杂志,2016,47(9):1143-1150. [17]中药减压提取沸点与饱和蒸气压关系影响因素研究[J].中草药,2016,47(23):4166-4172 [18]中药材及制剂干燥工艺与装备现状及问题分析[J],中国中药杂志,2015,56(24)97-102
