本科、硕士毕业于四川大学,1999在中国科学院昆明动物研究所获博士学位,2000-2012在加拿大、英国从事分子细胞生物学研究工作。2012年5月作为云南省高端科技人才月全职回到昆明理工大学。参与了包括“英国国家医学研究基金”在内的5个国外项目,目前主持着包括“国家自然科学基金联合重点项目” ,“国家自然科学基金面上项目”,“云南省高端科技人才基金”在内的5个国内项目,课题组在研经费1300余万元。 在Science signaling, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Biochemical journal,JBC等杂志发表学术论文50余篇。实验室获批“云南省高校靶点药物筛选与利用重点实验室”。
1.Tian-Rui Xu, Vladislav Vyshemirsky, Amélie Gormand, Alex von Kriegsheim, Mark Girolami, George S Baillie, Dominic Ketley, Allan J Dunlop, Graeme Milligan, Miles D Houslay, Walter Kolch (2010) Inferring Signaling Pathway Topologies from Multiple Perturbation Measurements of Specific Biochemical Species. Science signaling. 3, ra20 (1-10). (Presented as a cover article). 2.Tian-Rui Xu, Ruifang Lu, David Romano, Andrew Pitt, Miles Houslay, Graeme Milligan, and Walter Kolch (2012) Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit a, regulates the extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathway. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 32, 88-95. 3.Tian-Rui Xu, Richard J. Ward, John D. Pediani and Graeme Milligan (2012) Intramolecular fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) sensors of the orexin OX1 and OX2 receptors identify slow kinetics of agonist activation. Journal Biological Chemistry. 287, 14937-14949. 4.Tian-Rui Xu, Richard J. Ward, John D. Pediani and Graeme Milligan (2011) The orexin OX1 receptor exists predominantly as a homo-dimer in the basal state: Potential regulation of receptor organisation by both agonist and antagonist ligands. Biochemical journal. 439, 171-183. 5.Tian-Rui Xu, George S. Baillie, Narinder Bhari, Thomas Houslay, Andrew M. Pitt, David R. Adams, Walter Kolch, Miles D. Houslay and Graeme Milligan (2008) Mutations of b-arrestin 2 that limit self-association also interfere with interactions with the b2-adrenoceptor and the ERK1/2 MAP kinases Implications for b2-adrenoceptor-signalling via the ERK1/2 MAP kinases. Biochemical journal 413, 51-60. 6.Tian-Rui Xu*, Yang Yang , Richard Ward , Linghuan Gao , Ying Liu (2013) Orexin receptors: Multi-functional therapeutic targets for sleeping disorders, eating disorders, drug addiction, cancers and other physiological disorders. Cellular Signalling 25, 2413-2423. 7.Su An, Yang Yang, Richard Ward, Ying Liu, Xiao-Xi Guo, Tian-Rui Xu* (2015) A-Raf: A new star of the family of raf kinases. Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 50, 520-531. 8.Ying Liu, Su An, Richard Ward, Yang Yang, Xiao-Xi Guo, Wei Li*, Tian-Rui Xu* (2016) G protein-coupled receptors as promising cancer targets. Cancer letters. 376, 226-239. 9.Ying Liu, Yang Yang, Richard Ward, Su An, Xiao-Xi Guo, Wei Li* and Tian-Rui Xu* (2015) Biased signalling: the instinctive skill of the cell in the selection of appropriate signalling pathways. Biochemical journal. 470, 155-167. 10.Su An, Yang Yang, Richard Ward, Ying Liu, Xiao-Xi Guo, Tian-Rui Xu* (2015) RAF-interactome in tuning the complexity and diversity of RAF Function. FEBS Journal 282, 32-53.