2000年9月—2004年6月 华中师范大学本科
2004年9月---2009年6月 华东师范大学硕博连读,其间于
2007年9月---2008年8月 芬兰赫尔辛基大学公派留学
2009年7月至今 就职于华东理工大学
[1] Yuanyuan Yao*, Generating iterated function systems for self-similar sets with a separation condition, Fundamenta mathematicae, 237(2017),127-133.
[2] Yuanyuan Yao*, Wenxia Li. Generating Iterated Function Systems for the Vicsek Snowflake and the Koch Curve, American Mathematical Monthly, 123(7)(2016), 716-721.
[3] Yuanyuan Yao*, Wenxia Li. Generating iterated function systems for a class of self-similar sets with complete overlap, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 87(1-2)(2015), 23-33.
[4] Yuanyuan Yao*. Generating iterated function systems of some planar self-similar sets, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 421 (2015), 938–949.
[5] Yuanyuan Yao, Wenxia Li*. Self-similar structure on intersection of Cartesian product of Cantor triadic sets with their translations. Monatshefte für Mathematik, 166(3-4)(2012), 591-600.
[6] Yuanyuan Yao, Yunxiu Zhang, Wenxia Li*. Dimensions of Non-differentiability points of Cantor functions. Studia Mathematica, 195(2)(2009), 113-125. 0039-3223(p) 1730-6337(e)