2012年6月毕业于复旦大学数学科学学院, 同年至今就职于华东理工大学.
Modular Derivations for Extensions of Poisson Algebras,S.-Q. Wang, Front. Math. China, 2017(12) 209-218.
Twisted Poincare Duality between Poisson Homology and Cohomology,J.Luo, S.-Q. Wang, Q.-S. Wu,Journal of Algebra, 2015 (442) 484-505.
Twisted Calabi-Yau Property of Ore Extension,L.-Y. Liu, S.-Q. Wang, Q.-S. Wu, Journal of Noncommutative Geometry, 2014 (8) 587-609.
Some Properties of Extremal Algebras,S.-Q. Wang, Q.-S. Wu, Comptes Rendus Math., 2014 (352) 985-990.
A class of AS regular algebras of dimension five, S.-Q. Wang, Q.-S. Wu, Journal of Algebra, 2012 (362) 117-144.