1994年9月—1998年7月 本科计算数学专业山西大学
1998年9月---2001年3月 硕士计算数学南京航空航天大学
2001年4月---2004年4月 博士计算数学南京航空航天大学
2004年4月---2006年9月 讲师 华东理工大学
2006年9月---2015年8月 副教授 华东理工大学
2015年9月至今 教授 华东理工大学
Xie, H.Q., Simultaneous iterative method for the derivatives of several eigenpairs of unsymmetric damped systems, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 64-65, 2015: 377-384. (SCI)
Xie H.Q., Sensitivity analysis of semi-simple eigenvalues of regular quadratic eigenvalue problems, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 31(2), 2015: 499-518. (SCI)
Xie, H.Q., Simultaneous iterative method for eigenpair derivatives of damped systems, AIAA Journal, 51(1), 2013: 236-239.(SCI)
Hu, Y.P., Xie, H.Q. , Orthogonal projection method for eigenpair derivatives of large symmetric matrices, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 90(11), 2013: 2372-2390.(SCI)
Xie H.Q. An iterative method for partial derivatives of eigenvectors of quadratic eigenvalue problems, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 52(2), 2012: 525-536 .(SCI)
Xie H.Q., Dai H., On condition numbers of a nondefective multiple eigenvalue of a nonsymmetric matrix pencil, Linear Algebra and its applications, 437(7), 2012: 1628-1640(SCI)
Xie H.Q., Computation of eigenpair partial derivatives by Rayleigh-Ritz procedure, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 236(10), 2012: 2607-2621. (SCI)
Xie H.Q., IRAM based method for eigenpairs and their derivatives of large matrix valued functions, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 18(3), 2011: 513-538 .(SCI)
Ma Z.Y., Xie H.Q., Hu Y.P., A new iterative method for many eigenpair partial derivatives,Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2010, 217(5): 1991-1996 . (SCI)
Xie H.Q., Dai H., Calculation of derivatives of multiple eigenpairs of unsymmetrical quadratic eigenvalue problems, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 85(12), 2008: 1815-1831. (SCI)
Xie H.Q., Dai H., Derivatives of repeated eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of damped systems, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 28(6), 2007: 837-845. (SCI)
Huiqing Xie, Hua Dai, Davidson method for eigenpairs and their partial derivatives of generalized eigenvalue problems, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 22(2), 2006: 155-165. (SCI)
Xie H.Q., Dai H., Davidson method for eigenpairs and their derivatives, AIAA Journal, 43(6), 2005: 1403-1405. (SCI)
Xie H.Q., Dai H., On the sensitivity of multiple eigenvalues of nonsymmetric matrix pencil, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 374(15), 2003: 143-158. (SCI)