2001-2006 博士,瑞士苏黎世联邦高等工业学院(ETHZ), 生物技术专业,导师Bernard Witholt教授
1998-2001 硕士,华东理工大学化学与制药学院,应用化学专业, 导师周其林教授
1993-1997 学士,华东理工大学化学与制药学院,化学制药专业
2009.12—今华东理工大学生物工程学院食品系 2006.09—2009.12 中科院嘉兴应用化学工程中心
1997.09-1998.07 河北三九太行医药股份有限公司
在瑞士学习期间,到瑞士罗氏、诺华、龙沙、雀巢、奇华顿、德国BASF等公司的生物技术部门参观和实习,熟悉生物催化制备手性产品的整个流程。2006年09月回国在中科院嘉兴应用化学工程中心工作,从事医药中间体的新工艺开发,完成了格式法合成西司他丁中间体7-氯-2-氧代庚酸乙酯,金属不对称催化合成(S)-2,2-二甲基环丙基甲酰胺, 脯氨酸类似物(S)-氮杂环丁烷-2-羧酸,氮杂环丁烷-3-羧酸, 氮杂环丁烷-3-羟基盐酸盐,新型糖尿病药物索马鲁肽中间体十八烷二酸,庚二酸的研发以及放大生产。承担多项浙江省、嘉兴市科技开发项目,获得2008年浙江省“钱江人才计划”资助。2009承担了“甲基氯化镁格式试剂的研发以及工业化放大”项目,在2吨的反应釜中得到成功应用,同期完成氯乙烯格式试剂吨级放大,也承担“低成本合成热敏材料4-甲氧基-2-甲基二苯胺(MMD)的合成”,合同金额60万元,采用氯苯代替溴苯,同芳香胺缩合,成本每吨仅增加2万元/吨。解决了香料黄樟油的人工合成(胡椒基氯苄同氯乙烯格式试剂偶联),替代天然植物提取,以及下游系列产品诸如香料胡椒醛的开发。2016年获得江苏省淮安市“淮上英才计划”资助。
1.各种官能团的非天然氨基酸(a, ß,γ)拆分以及化学酶法制备
1.Jie Zhang; Xin-Yan Wu; Qi-Lin Zhou; Jie Sun. “Chiral camphor derivatives as new catalysts for asymmetric phase transfer alkylation”. Chin. J. Chem.2001, 19, 630-633
2.Jie Zhang; Wouter A. Duetz; Bernard Witholt; Zhi Li. “Rapid identification of new bacterial alcohol dehydrogenases for (R)- and (S)-enantioselective reduction of ß-ketoesters”. Chem. Comm.2004, 18, 2120-2121
3.Jie Zhang; Bernard Witholt; Zhi Li. “ Coupling of permeabilized microorganisms for efficient enantioselective reduction of ketone with cofactor recycling”. Chem. Comm. 2006, 398-400
4. Jie Zhang; Bernard Witholt; Zhi Li. “Efficient NADPH recycling in enantioselective bioreduction of a ketone with permeabilized cells of a microorganism containing a ketoreductase and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase”. Adv. Synth. Catal. 2006, 348, 429-433
5. Jie Zhang, Jian-He Xu, “Biocatalysis, Cofator regeneration”. Encyclopedia of Industrial Biotechnology: Bioprocess, Bioseparation, and Cell Technology. Wiley-VCH, 2010, 504-511
6.Yan Ni, Chun-Xiu Li, Jie Zhang, Nai-Dong Shen, Uwe T. Bornscheuer, Jian-He Xu. “Efficient reduction of ethyl 2-oxo-4-phenylbutyrate at 620 g/L by a bacterial reductase with broad substrate spectrum” Adv. Synth. Catal.2011, 353, 1213-1217
7.Yan Ni, Chun-Xiu Li, Hong-Min Ma, Jie Zhang, Jian-He Xu. “Biocatalytic properties of a recombinant aldo-keto reductase with broad substrate spectrum and excellent stereoselectivity” Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol.2011, 89, 1111-1118
8.Yan Ni, Chun-Xiu Li, Li-Juan Wang, Jie Zhang, Jian-He Xu. “Highly stereoselective reduction of prochiral ketones by a bacterial reductase coupled with cofactor regeneration” Org. Biomol. chem.2011, 9, 5463-5468
9.Li-Juan Wang, Chun-Xiu Li, Yan Ni, Jie Zhang, Xiang Liu, Jian-He Xu. “Highly efficient synthesis of chiral alcohols with a novel NADH-dependent reductase from Streptomyces coelicolor” Bioresource. Technol.2011, 102, 7023-7028
10. Ma HM, Yang LL, Ni Y, Zhang J, Li CX, Zheng GW, Yang HY, Xu JH. Stereospecific reduction of methyl o-chlorobenzoylformate at 300 g/L without additional cofactor using a carbonyl reductase mined from Candida glabrata. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2012, 354(9) : 1765-1772.
11. Shen ND, Ni Y, Ma HM, Wang LJ, Li CX, Zhang J, Xu JH. Efficient synthesis of a chiral precusor for ACE inhibitors in high space-time yield by a new reductase without external cofactors. Organic Letters, 2012, 14(8): 1982-1985.
12. Dou S, Kong XD, Ma BD, Chen Q, Zhang J, Xu JH.Crystal structures of Pseudomonas putida esterase reveal the functional role residues 187 and 287 in substrate binding and chiral recognition. Biochemical and Biophysical Research communicatins, 2014, 446: 1145-1150.
13. Li J, Pan J, Zhang J, Xu JH. Stereoselective synthesis of L-tert-leucine by a newly cloned leucine dehydrogenase from Exiguobacterium sibiricum. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 2014,105:11-17.
14. Fan, CW; Xu, GC; Ma, BD; Bai, YP; Zhang, J; Xu JH. A novel d-mandelate dehydrogenase used in three-enzyme cascade reaction for highly efficient synthesis of non-natural chiral amino acids .Journal of Biotechnology,2015,195:67-71.