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Stephen A. Morin is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry at The University of Nebraska-Lincoln. His research interest include: materials chemistry, nanomaterials synthesis and characterization, nanoscience, nanoassembly, hybrid materials systems, and bottom-up fabrication. Stephen completed his B.S in Chemistry at The University of Texas at Austin in 2004. As an undergraduate, Stephen conducted research, under the direction of Professor Keith J. Stevenson, on nitrogen-doped carbon nanofiber electrodes. This experience motivated Stephen to pursue a career in research science. He joined the Department of Chemistry at the University of Wisconsin – Madison as a graduate student in 2005 and, under the direction of his advisor Professor Song Jin, received his Ph.D. in Chemistry in 2011. His research and thesis, titled “Dislocation-Driven Synthesis and Bioinspired Assembly of Functional Nanomaterials,” focused on the rational synthesis and assembly of nanomaterials based on fundamental concepts of crystal nucleation and growth. From 2011 until 2013, Stephen was a postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Professor George M. Whitesides in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University. At Harvard, Stephen conducted research in the areas of soft robotics and adaptive materials. Stephen joined the faculty in the Department of Chemistry at UNL in Fall of 2013. Honors and Awards NSF CAREER award, 2016 3M Non-tenured Faculty Award, 2015 Honorable Mention, IUPAC Prize for Young Chemists, 2012 Materials Research Society Graduate Student Gold Award, 2010 Charles and Martha Casey Graduate Research Excellence Award, 2010 3M Graduate Research Fellowship, 2007


Our research seeks to discover new methods to control (e.g., synthesize, assemble, manipulate, organize, etc.) hard materials with soft materials. These “soft” fabrication tools will enable new hybrid structures—those that combine hard inorganic and soft organic components—with dynamic properties (chemical, physical, and structural) that are useful to applications such as soft sensing and electronics. In these efforts, we emphasize systems with heterogeneous chemical, structural, and physical attributes that can be reversibly reconfigured using simple, macro-scale processes such as mechanical deformation. The micro-scale features (e.g., surface chemistry or structure) of these materials are readily organized and manipulated on length scales commensurate with their size, even when large numbers of objects are involved. Active projects include: (i) Mechano-chemical Surfaces, and (ii) Soft, Stretchable Reactors.


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Mazaltarim, A.J.; Taylor, J.M.; Konda, A.; Stoller, M.A.; Morin, S.A. “Mechanically Induced Hydrophobic Recovery of Poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) for the Generation of Surfaces with Patterned Wettability” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11 (36), 33452-33457. Konda, A.; Lee, D.; You, T.; Wang, X.; Ryu, S.; Morin, S.A. “Reversible Mechanical Deformations of Soft Microchannel Networks for Sensing in Soft Robotic Systems” Adv. Intell. Syst. 2019, 1 (4), 1900027. Rose, M.A.; Bowen, J.J.; Morin, S.A. “Emergent Soft Lithographic Tools for the Fabrication of Functional Polymeric Microstructures” ChemPhysChem, 2019, 20 (7), 909-925 Konda, A.; Rau, A.; Stoller, M.A.; Taylor, J.M.; Salam, A.; Pribil, G.A.; Argyropoulos, C.; Morin, S.A. “Soft Microreactors for the Deposition of Conductive Metallic Traces on Planar, Embossed, and Curved Surfaces” Adv Funct Mater., 2018, 28 (40), 1803020 Rose, M.A.; Vinod, T.P.; Morin, S.A. “Microscale screen printing of large-area arrays of microparticles for the fabrication of photonic structures and for optical sorting” J. Mater. Chem. C, 2018, 6, 12031 – 12037. *Featured in the the themed collection titled “Journal of Materials Chemistry C Emerging Investigators” for 2018.TOC graphic_V4 Perez-Toralla, K.; Konda, A.; Bowen, J.J.; Jennings, E.E.; Argyropoulos, C.; Morin, S.A. “Rational Synthesis of Large-Area Periodic Chemical Gradients for the Manipulation of Liquid Droplets and Gas Bubbles” Adv. Funct. Mater., 2018, 28, 1705564. Taylor, J.M., Perez-Toralla; K., Aispuro, R.; Morin, S.A. “Covalent Bonding of Thermoplastics to Rubbers for Printable, Reel-to-Reel Processing in Soft Robotics and Microfluidics” Adv. Mater., 2018, 30, 1705333. Bowen, J.J.; Rose, M.A.; Konda, A.; Morin, S.A. “Surface Molding of Microscale Hydrogels with Microactuation Functionality” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2018, 57,1236 –1240. Konda, A.; Morin, S.A. “Flow-directed Synthesis of Spatially Variant Arrays of Branched Zinc Oxide Mesostructures,” Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 8393 – 8400. Polygerinos, P.; Correll, N.; Morin, S.A.; Mosadegh, B.; Onal, C.D.; Petersen, K.; Cianchetti, M.; Tolley, M.T. and Shepherd, R.F. “Soft Robotics: Review of Fluid-Driven Intrinsically Soft Devices; Manufacturing, Sensing, Control, and Applications in Human-Robot Interaction“  Adv. Eng. Mater., 2017, 12, 1700016. Vinod,T. P.; Taylor, J.M.; Konda, A; Morin, S.A. “Stretchable substrates for the assembly of polymeric microstructures” Small 2017, 13 (8), 1603350.Print Rose, M.A.; Taylor, J.M.; Morin, S.A. “Adhesion of Morphologically Distinct Crystals to and Selective Release from Elastomeric Surfaces” Chem. Mater. 2016, 28 (23), 8513-8522. Taylor, J.M.; Argyropoulos, C.; Morin, S.A. “Soft Surfaces for the Reversible Control of Thin-Film Microstructure and Optical Reflectance” Adv. Mater. 2016, 28, 2595–2600. Stoller, M.A.; Konda, A; Kottwitz, M.A.; Morin, S.A. “Thermoplastic Building Blocks for the Fabrication of Microfluidic Masters” RSC Adv. 2015, 5, 97934-97943. Bowen, J.J.; Taylor, J.M.; Jurich, C.P.; Morin, S.A. “Stretchable Chemical Patterns for the Assembly and Manipulation of Arrays of Microdroplets with Lensing and Micromixing Functionality” Adv. Func. Mater. 2015, 34, 5520-5528. Konda, A; Taylor, J.M.; Stoller, M.A.; Morin, S.A. “Reconfigurable Microfluidic Systems with Reversible Seals Compatible with 2D and 3D Surfaces of Arbitrary Chemical Composition” Lab Chip 2015, 15, 2009-2017.Figure Toc_Revised Lessing, J.; Morin, S.A.; Keplinger, C; Whitesides, G. M. “Stretchable Conductive Composites Based on Metal Wools for Use in Soft Devices” Adv. Func. Mater. 2015, 25, 1418-1425. Bwambok, D.K.; Christodouleas, D.C.; Morin, S.A.; Lange, H.; Phillips, S.T.; Whitesides, G.M. “Adaptive Use of Bubble Wrap for Storing Liquid Samples and Performing Analytical Assays” Anal. Chem. 2014, 86, 7478-7485. Morin, S.A.; Kwok, S. W.; Lessing, J.; Ting, J.; Shepherd, R. F.; Stokes, A.A.; Whitesides, G. M. “Elastomeric Tiles for Fabrication of Inflatable Structures” Adv. Func. Mater. 2014, 24, 5541-5549. Morin, S.A.; Shevchenko, Y.; Lessing, J.; Kwok, S.W.; Shepherd, R. F.; Stokes, A.A.; Whitesides, G. M. “Using “Click-e-Bricks” to Make 3D Elastomeric Structures” Adv. Mater. 2014, 26, 5991-5999.
