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江淼,女,1986.3.13,汉族,讲师。 个人履历 20013.7- 中国矿业大学(北京)理学院物理系任教 2008.9-2013.6 中国科学院物理研究所攻读博士学位 2004.9-2008.7 天津大学 应用物理学专业




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[1] M. Jiang*, W. Su, Q. Su, R. Grobe, X. Lu, Y. T. Li, Z. M. Sheng, and J. Zhang,“Electron-Positron Pair Creation Induced by Quantum-Mechanical Tunneling”, Physical Review A 83, 053402 (2011). [2] M. Jiang*, W. Su, Q. Z. Lv, X. Lu, Y. J. Li, R. Grobe and Q. Su, “Pair Creation Enhancement Due to Combined External Fields”, Physical Review A 85, 033408 (2012). [3] W. Su, M. Jiang*, Q. Z. Lv, Y. J. Li, Z. M. Sheng, R. Grobe, and Q. Su, “Suppression of Pair Creation Due to a Steady Magnetic Field”, Physical Review A 86, 013422 (2012). [4] Q. Su, W. Su, Z. Q. Lv, M. Jiang*, X. Lu, Z. M. Sheng and R. Grobe, “Magnetic Control of the Pair Creation in Spatially Localized Supercritical Fields”, Physical Review Letters 109, 253202 (2012). [5] M. Jiang*, Q. Z. Lv, Z. M. Sheng, R. Grobe and Q. Su, “Enhancement of Electron-Positron Pair Creation Due to Transient Excitation of Field-Induced Bound States”, Physical Review A 87, 042503 (2013). [6] Q. Z. Lv, A. C. Su, M. Jiang*, Y. J. Li, R. Grobe, and Q. Su, “Pair creation for bosons in electric and magnetic fields”, Physical Review A 87, 023416 (2013). [7] Y. Liu, M. Jiang*, Q. Z. Lv, Y. T. Li, R. Grobe, and Q. Su, “Population transfer to supercritical bound states during pair creation”, Physical Review A 89, 012127 (2014). [8] M. Jiang*, Q. Z. Lv, Y. Liu, R. Grobe, and Q. Su, “Pair creation in localized electromagnetic fields of different spatial extensions”, Physical Review A 90, 032101 (2014).
