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张利英,女,1981年10月,汉族,讲师。 个人履历: 2015.7~,中国矿业大学(北京)理学院 教师 2012.7~2015.7,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院 计算数学专业 博士 2008.10~2012.7,安徽财经大学数学与统计系 教师 2005.9~2008.7,上海大学理学院数学系 基础数学专业 硕士 2001.9~2005.7,内蒙古师范大学数学系 数学与应用数学专业 学士




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[1]Liying, Zhang, Weien Zhou and Lihai Ji.Parareal algorithms applied to stochastic differential equations with conserved quantities, Journal of Computational Mathematics, Accepted.2017. [2]Jialin Hong, Lihai Ji, Liying Zhang and Jiaxiang Cai.An energy-conserving method for stochastic Maxwell equations with multiplicative noise,Journal of Computational,351:216-229, 2017. [3]Jialin Hong, Xu Wang and Liying Zhang.Numerical Analysis on Ergodic of Approximations for Stochastic NLS Equation via Multi-symplectic Scheme.SAIM. Numerical Analysis.55(1):305-327,2017 [4]Weien Zhou, Liying Zhang, Jialin Hong, Songhe Song.Projection methods for stochastic differential equations with conserved quantities,BIT Numerical Mathematics,1-22,2016. [5]Chuchu Chen, Jialin Hong, Liying Zhang. Preservation of physical properties of stochastic Maxwell equations with additive noise via stochastic multi-symplectic methods.Journal of Computational Physics.306. 500–519,2016 [6]Hao Fu, Weien Zhou, Xu Qian, Liying Zhang. Conformal structure-preserving method for damped nonlinear Schrödinger Equation,Chinese Physics B,25(11),2016. [7]Lan Wang, Linghua Kong, Liying Zhang,Multi-symplectic preserving integrator for the Schrödinger equation with wave operator.Applied Mathematical Modelling, 39(22): 6817-6829,2014. [8]Jialin Hong, Lihai, Ji and Liying Zhang.A stochastic multi-symplectic scheme for stochastic Maxwell equations with additive noise.Journal of Computational Physics. 268: 255-268,2014.
